Wang Wei has been a Buddha for generations, so filial piety is out of nature. He is extremely filial to his mother. When she died, she gave up her house as a temple to increase her fortune for her mother. His brother was ill, and he waited on the soup and medicine day and night. After resigning from his post, he often traveled with eminent monks to famous mountains and rivers, and invited him to get together with Chu Shi and Pei Di to learn from the classics. Play the piano, compose poems, draw pictures and recite Buddha as daily lessons. Wang Weizhi's poems are very Zen, so they are called Shi Fo. His paintings are unique, breaking the ink method by himself, opening up the mountain of Southern School, and Dong Qichang, a painter of the Ming Dynasty, promoted him as the "ancestor of Southern School Painting". He is also good at calligraphy, which is well-known in the world. Today, there are collections published in the world. When he was dying, he predicted the time, wrote a book and sent it to his old friend to persuade him to read Buddha. When the book was finished, he threw his pen and died suddenly.
Wang Wei is a Buddhist student. He used to recite Buddhism when he was alive, and he practiced it very well. Finally, he can know when he will die.
He has gone to the western paradise.
Wang Wei's family are all devout Buddhists, and his mother is a devout disciple of the Northern Sect of God. Influenced by the court training, Wang Wei believed in Buddhism in his early years. Wang Wei was devout all his life, and he always served vegetarian food. He once converted to the Zen master of Heze God and participated in Zen from it. After he retired, he often made friends with eminent monks, talked about scriptures and sang all day long.
Wang Wei's converted master is a Zen master! ! !