Wyatt's poems

Abstract: At the beginning of the English Renaissance, Thomas? Wyatt introduced Petrarch-style sonnets into China, and his sonnets have the rudiment of English sonnets in metrical form, marking the establishment of the prosodic standard of English poetry. From the perspective of history and development, it was Wyatt's introduction and transformation of Italian sonnets that led to the development and prosperity of English sonnets. This is the pioneering work of English sonnets, which is of epoch-making significance in the history of English literature.

Keywords: Wyatt's sonnet meter

Sonnets are rigorous in meter and rich in form in English poetry. High artistry. Thomas was the first person to implant sonnets into the fertile soil of English literature? Thomas Wyatt.

Sonnet originated in Provence in 13 and 14 centuries, and it is a folk poetry style. Because of the need of singing and entering music, the number of lines, syllables and rhymes of poems is strict. During the Renaissance, some famous Italian poets began to write sonnets, and Francisco Petrarch 1304-74 was one of them. Petrarch wrote more than 300 sonnets in his life, expressed his love for his girlfriend Laura with strict metrical form and beautiful artistic conception, and expounded his humanistic thought. With the development of the Renaissance, Petrarch's sonnets had a great influence on many European countries with their forms and ideas. People call this Italian sonnet "quartet".

Thomas? Sir Thomas Wyatt (1503-42) was deeply attracted by Petrarch's sonnets during his visit to Italy. When he tried to translate Petrarch's sonnets and sonnets, he introduced them to England.

First of all, the rhythm of Italian sonnets

Petrarch's sonnets can be arranged with 1 1 syllables per line, with complicated rhyme forms and unique prosodic structure.

The first eight lines (octaves) of the poem form two four-line stanzas with the rhyme abbaabba. This eight-part poem is actually a mixture of three rhyming quatrains, which has a unique phonological effect [1](P328). The rhyme (baab) in the middle four lines overlaps with the rhyme (ab, ba) in the front and back two lines, which endows the poem with a lingering musical aesthetic feeling and strengthens its musicality.

The rhyme of the last six lines (sestet) can be changed, and it can be cdecde or cdcdcd or cdedce or cdeced. The rhyme of the whole poem is scattered, but there are at most five.

There is an emotional or logical "turning point or Italian volt" in the transition between the first eight lines and the last six lines. In this way, the whole poem was formed.