Reading needs three translations and annotation translation. As long as you are reading, you must read every word aloud. Don't mispronounce a word, read one less word, read one more word, read one word backwards, and don't recite it. Read it a few times and it will come out naturally, even if it takes a long time. The ancients said, "Read it a hundred times and you will know its meaning." In other words, if you read the book well and don't need to rely on others to explain it, you will naturally understand it. I once said: there are three ways to read, namely, heart, eyes and mouth. If the heart is not in the book, then the eyes will not read it carefully. Since my mind and eyes didn't absorb it, I just looked at it casually, of course I wouldn't remember it, and even if I did, it wouldn't last long. Of the three, the heart is the most important. Now that the heart is here, are the eyes and mouth gone?
Comment error: error. Inverted: upside down. Far-fetched memory: barely remembering the main idea. See: the same as "now", show it. Xiao: That's right. Surfing: whatever, careless. Urgent: important, important. Yi: It is equivalent to "le". You: From time to time, are you used to it? I said it before. Say, say
Poetry works: reading three important poems Author: Song and Zhu poetry classification: primary school classical Chinese, fables, stories, knowledge, philosophy