What is the process of religious baptism?

1. Before being baptized, the baptist prayed in the church seat to prepare his thoughts;

2. roll call. After the roll call, the baptist immediately stepped out of the position and knelt on the mat set in front of the altar in order;

3. The priest asked everyone to pray for the baptized person, and the group leader or helper immediately prayed for the baptized person;

4. The baptist asks the baptized person if he is willing to accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior, and the baptized person needs to answer I am willing. The baptist announced: now I am baptized for you in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit;

Be baptized. Dip the baptist's finger into the water and draw a cross on the baptist's forehead;

6. The assistant wipes the face of the baptized person with a clean towel;

7. Witnesses. Prepare a one-minute witness, telling about the situation before and after believing in the Lord, how to believe in the Lord and the changes after believing in the Lord.

8. Take communion and receive blessings.