Translation of the original text of Confucius Temple

The original text and translation of Xiao Guang Lin Ji Qiao Confucius Temple are as follows:

Some people who entered Pan Pan with money visited the Confucius Temple, and Confucius sat down to answer them. The scholar said, "Today is the master's apprentice acceptance ceremony. You should sit down and accept it." Confucius said, "How dare you? You are a disciple of my brother Kong Fang, and you will never be worshipped. "

A scholar bought an institution of higher learning with money. When he visited the Confucius Temple, Confucius came down from the throne. The scholar said, "Today is the day for disciples to worship Master, and Master will sit on the ground and worship." Confucius said, "No, you are a disciple of my brother Kong Fang. You must never worship."

"WangConfucius Temple" is an essay written by Li, a scholar in Qing Dynasty, which was collected by the owner of the game.

Xiao Ji was collected in the name of "game master" in the Qing Dynasty, and some people say that it was created by Li.

Li was a frustrated scholar in Qing Dynasty (now Liaolan Town, pingdu city, Qingdao). My father's family is rich and has been a scholarly family since ancient times. He is very talented. At the same time, Zhang Zhi, a neighboring village, is two famous talents in Pingdu.

A Brief Introduction to the Collection of Little Guang Lin;

In front of the book, there is a preface to the author of "The Summer of Guangxu's Twenty Years". It says: "I will thank my guests at home, relax when I am free, write books behind closed doors, and read there quickly, so that I can express my thoughts and teach me to be poor." Zuo Kang wrote an article, which he first heard and saw.

If everyone is talking about ghosts, sometimes it's strange to be angry, which makes us a happy place and a big laugh. What an honor! The purpose of his book is to "convince and ridicule famous teachers with ridicule". The book is intended to ridicule all kinds of morbid worlds in society at that time and vent the author's resentment against the official world. The author has a lump on his chest, and his words are much more soothing.

Although it has the same name as the game owner Xiao Ji, the content is different. Many novels in the book have strong narrative, complete story lines and vivid characters. The thieves, prostitutes, clients, quacks, county magistrates, governors, policemen and wives in the author's works are all lifelike, which constitutes a genre painting of the late Qing society.