During the Zhenguan period, court poets Yu Shinan and Li Baiyao gathered around Emperor Taizong. Their works are becoming more and more courtly and aristocratic, and most of them are tailor-made for the needs of harmony, pondering skills and carving rhetoric. The habit accumulated by Qi and Liang still exists. The "Shangguan Style" represented by Shangguan Yi became a model for the creation of court poets at that time.
The literary functions of the four outstanding figures in the early Tang dynasty;
1, represented by the four outstanding poets in the early Tang Dynasty, really brought vitality to the creation of Tang poetry. They played a certain role in promoting the development of Tang poetry, and they * * * opposed the style of writing like Shangguan Yi, showing a new situation of improving Qi Liang's poetry.
2. The four outstanding poets in the early Tang Dynasty endowed poetry with new vitality, enhanced its ideological significance, displayed a new poetic style, and promoted the development of poetry in a healthy direction. Although the Four Masters are the inheritors of Qi Liang's poems to some extent.
3. The lyric poems of the four outstanding poets in the early Tang Dynasty (including nostalgic poems, epic poems and farewell poems) have been greatly enriched, and the scenery poems and object poems have also made new development.