At that time, Qin Gui, as the son of Prime Minister Qin Gui, won the top prize and recruited scholars. In the same year, all the Jinshi who passed the exam visited him. Some people took Li with them, but Ho Lee resolutely didn't go. He was appointed as an officer of Raozhou Division to join the army and guard Xiangyang House, because his parents died one after another in filial piety. After observing filial piety, he became a professor in Jinzhou, changed the main book of Taichang Hall, and soon became an official of Guanglu Hall.
It's Li Hao's turn to be questioned by the emperor. He first warned the emperor that he could not escape, saying, "Yang Cunzhong, the general of Suwei, is very generous, and the treatment given to him by the court is too out of line, which is not his blessing." The emperor understood, so he immediately retired Yang Cun. As Qin Gui presided over the state affairs, the memorials of ministers were blocked. When the emperor personally took charge of the state affairs and encouraged the ministers to make suggestions, the atmosphere of not daring to speak still existed, and most of the court ministers were silent. The emperor ordered officials to take turns to answer questions. Li Hao, Wang, Feng Fang, Cha Hao, Hu Xian and others began to introduce political affairs one after another, and people who heard about it followed suit.
In the second year, He Zhehe was flooded, and the court issued a letter to Lang Guan and Guan Zhi to discuss the shortcomings of current politics. Li Hao said that the emperor was in such a hurry and worked so hard, how could he not speak? So he played the idea of the ministers who were close to the emperor, saying that the prime minister only knew how to carry out the emperor's orders, and most of the lower-level officials catered to the superiors, and the ministers were hesitant and hesitant. Thousands of words have been typed many times, and everything has been talked about. Anyone who has seen him play the throne is afraid of him. The emperor didn't think he was disobedient, and all the party and government ministers hated him.
Li Hao asked for a local post and was assigned to Taizhou. Taizhou imperial army has 500 people, and the officials who train the imperial army are greedy and cruel and unpopular. The disgruntled people plotted to rebel, and suddenly they took out their weapons in the hall. Ho Lee said to them, "Are you going to rebel? Kill me first. " Everyone said in fear, "We dare not." Yan Shunshun found four people headed by them, sentenced them to tattoos on their faces and exiled them, and that's it. Be promoted to Zhimi Pavilion. Moreover, there have been thieves in the sea area for many years, but they have not been caught for a long time. Ho Lee bribed their minions to tie themselves up to atone, and soon caught the thief's head.
The following year, he was promoted to Sinon Shao Qing. At that time, the court bought 80,000 pieces of rice, and the officials in charge of selling rice bought damp and moldy rice at a low price, secretly eating state money, and households were afraid to ask. Li Hao exposed his own * * *, and the emperor asked the relevant departments to pursue it to the end. The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development intends to collect a sum of money to muddle through, and Dali Temple (Criminal Law Department) agrees. Li Hao argued: "This is not only beneficial to criminals, but also damages the canteen." The emperor thinks he is right. Just as Dali Temple was about to decide another case, the emperor said to his ministers, "Prison officials must be people like Li Hao." Soon Dali Qing became vacant, and the emperor said, "Anyone can take responsibility except Li Hao." So Ho Lee was promoted to Dali Qing.
After Li Hao took office, Lingqu, which was used for water transportation and irrigation, fell into disrepair. He ordered people to dredge it so that people could enjoy its benefits. Anping County, which is in charge of Mangguan (place name, in Gangxi), has been in a dangerous terrain since it took office, and plans to gather troops at the border to make an insurrection. Li Hao sent messengers to disown them and promised to forgive him and let him turn over a new leaf. On the same day, the chief kowtowed and apologized, burning soldiers to dismantle the water fence and obey the constraints of his superiors.
Li Hao is born with integrity and profound self-restraint, and will not change his will because of misfortune. I have been diligent in writing since I was a child, and I am more addicted to learning righteousness when I grow up. Being an official in the imperial court, he was generous in taking current affairs as his responsibility, loyal and angry, and talked about pertinent disadvantages, so he was hated by all. Usually, he never gives people a bad look. People who don't know him think he is aloof. Someone framed him in front of the emperor. The emperor said: "he has nothing, and it is the same in front of me." He is not the kind of person who is arrogant. " Villains are all afraid of him and seduce him with money. He ignored him with a straight face, and those who wanted to kill him did whatever it took. Fortunately, the emperor understood his loyalty and always protected him. Being an official in the local area is particularly clean. After I swam back to Korea from the sea, I didn't bring anything from the South China Sea. His usual life is as high as that of ordinary people. People are afraid to ask him personal questions.
Your question is too much trouble. This article is too long. How can you ask? You can't know everything, can you? I am also looking for a place to copy, so I will focus on it in the future!
2. China's classical history of Song Dynasty, Li Haochuan, refused to visit Qin Gui in Li Hao, which reflected his spiritual quality. Li Hao's refusal to visit Qin Gui shows his noble qualities of integrity and not being greedy for petty advantages.
Reference translation:
Li Hao, born in Jianchang (now Xichang, Sichuan), later moved to Linchuan (now Fuzhou, Jiangxi). Li Hao was famous for his literary talent in his early years. In the 12th year of Shaoxing (the year of Song Gaozong), he was admitted to Jinshi.
At that time, Qin Gui, as the son of Prime Minister Qin Gui, won the top prize and recruited scholars. In the same year, all the Jinshi who passed the exam visited him. Some people took Li with them, but Ho Lee resolutely didn't go.
His usual life is as high as that of ordinary people. People are afraid to ask him personal questions.
3. language. The classical Chinese translation of Annotation was written by Lu, a native of Henan Province. When I was young, my brother Yuan Yin and I were both famous for Confucianism. Take the examination of Jinshi and turn it into the main book of Pingxian County. Cao, a former Henan household, joined the army, was promoted, and was also a county magistrate. With excellent results in the examination paper, he was appointed as the festival secretary of Shannan East Road and the magistrate of yiyang county, and has a competent reputation. Because of the recommendation of the minister, he was recalled to the North Korean exam, was appointed as the curator's collator, and was promoted to Prince Zhongyun. Just when Fan Zhongyan was demoted as an official, the emperor read an imperial edict in the court, warning officials at all levels not to gang up to help others. Athena Chu said: "Fan Zhongyan has always been honest and aboveboard. I am a teacher-student relationship with him, which is Fan Zhongyan's confidant." Now Fan Zhongyan is convicted of organizing a party for personal gain, and I can't get away with it. The Prime Minister was furious, dismissed the collating post in the pavilion, and made him the secretariat and wine tax supervisor of Tang Zhou.
Northwest China has long been safe. Athena Chu wrote two articles, Xu Yan and Xi Shu, arguing that war preparations should not be relaxed.
In addition, Athena Chu also wrote Narration, Judgment, Original Sin, Dun Xue, Jiaocha, Appraisal and Guang Jian, which are combined into nine articles.
Athena Chu is a man who studies both inside and outside. He is knowledgeable and talented, especially proficient in Spring and Autumn Annals. Since the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties, the style of writing has been weak. In the early Song Dynasty, Liu Kai began to write ancient prose, and Athena Chu and Mu Xiu further developed this style. His articles are concise and powerful, with a collection of 27 volumes. Athena Chu has been in the army since Zhao Yuanhao's rebellion, so he is most familiar with western Xinjiang. His military system theory expounded the victory and defeat of operational defense and comprehensively discussed the advantages and disadvantages of frontier war at that time. He also wanted to train local militia to replace the defenders, so as to reduce the frontier military expenditure as a long-term policy to resist foreign enemies, but it was delayed. Zhao Yuanhao has surrendered and Athena Chu has been transferred for conviction. He was demoted to the rank of deputy envoy of Chongxin Army, and the whole world thought that Liu's performance had hurt him. He was transferred to Zhou Jun wine tax supervisor, got sick, went to Nanyang for medical treatment along the road of sending official documents, and later died at the age of 47. Prime Minister Han Qi spoke for Athena Chu, so the court approved the restoration of his old official and appointed his son Yin Gou as the official.
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4. The classical Chinese Zhu in Song Dynasty translated by Zhao Zhu, whose real name is strict, comes from Fugu. With his own ability and achievements, he was gradually promoted to the position of Bing Xulang. He is very low-key, and never shows the uniqueness of officialdom. At the end of Xuanhe, when Wei Zhencheng's army was detained, they knew about the city. Nomads from the army invaded, and Xia people took the opportunity to attack towns outside the river. Zhenwei House is three hundred miles away from Fuzhou, and its power is very isolated. Zhao Zhu led the whole city, old and young, to resist the enemy's attack. Zhao Zhu recruited 1000 elite soldiers and reached an agreement with them: "The enemies in the city know the truth and have the heart to look down on us. If we attack him unexpectedly, we can try our best to destroy them. " So at night, the soldiers were released from the wall and approached the camp of Xia people. The enemy really panicked. The officers and men in the city took the opportunity to shout loudly, bravely killed the enemy, killed and captured many enemies.
Xia people climbed the city wall with goose ladders, and arrows rained down. They couldn't climb up, but the offensive continued day and night. Qi Qi, the leader of Xia people, came to the front of the city in armor, blocked himself with a felt shield, and invited Zhao Zhu out to discuss. Zhao Zhu boarded the city wall in ordinary clothes, put on a robe and asked, "Who are you, so shameful?" . You wanted to see me. I'm right here. What can I do for you? "SiQi stepped forward and accused the Song Dynasty of dishonesty with a shield. He said: "Daikin asked me to capture the capital, form an alliance at the gate and draw a river as the boundary;" Taiyuan was captured by me sooner or later, and all counties in Linzhou have been owned by me. Why don't you surrender? Zhao Zhu said: "The emperor knew that the traitor of North Korea had made a mistake in his country, and he corrected his mistake without reservation and passed the throne to his own royal family. Now the emperor's political program has taken on a new look. Only you don't know? " So I took out the letter of Neichan and read it out. Everyone looked at Zhao Zhu in surprise and admired his eloquence. At that time, many people in the city surrendered, and Zhao Zhu's old acquaintance said to him, "Now the world is over, and loyalty is useless. Zhao Zhu thundered at him and said, "You people are morally bankrupt and drag out an ignoble existence like pigs and dogs." . How dare you tempt me to surrender with words? I'd rather die than surrender! "So he took a bow and arrow and shot them, and everyone was scared away. After being besieged for four days, the city walls were destroyed in many places. Zhao Zhu used strategy to resist the enemy's attack, although it worked, but there was no army to support it. Zhao Zhu called his generals into the hall and said, "The city has been broken. My wife and children should not be insulted by thieves. I will let my wife and children commit suicide first, and then fight to the death. If I win, I will make a great contribution. If I fail, I will die in China, and the life of a gentleman will be over. "You haven't promised. At this time, Zhao Zhu's youngest son was playing on the doorstep, and Zhao Zhu immediately stepped forward and killed him. The eldest son looked at him in surprise, and Zhao killed him again. (Tut tut ~ ~ It's cruel ~ ~ I don't want to translate any more myself) Follow Zhao Zhu and lead a few soldiers to kill all their own people and throw all the bodies into the well. Just when Jia Zong's old mother came to the Ministry, Zhao Zhu said to her, "Old man, you are my hometown, and I don't want to kill you myself. Please throw yourself into the well. " She obeyed. And then buried the well with soil. The soldiers followed and killed all their wives and children. Zhao Zhu said to everyone, "Neither I nor everyone is worried. "
At this time, someone in the army colluded with the enemy in secret and said to the enemy, "Zhao Zhu and other soldiers killed their families and are going to fight." Although there are few people, they are all people who dare to die. " The enemy was very afraid, so he lured the soldiers guarding the city and boarded the city. Zhao Zhu led the masses to fight in the streets of the city. From night to morning, the streets are full of bodies. Zhao Zhu rode over the gap in the wall, but the horse fell into the canyon. The thief cheered and said, "General Zhu has been captured." Trying to take him alive. Zhao Zhu stared at his eyes with a sword. No one dared to go forward, but he was shot dead by an arrow at the age of 46.
5. Peng Yue, a native of Changyi, was nicknamed Peng Zhong.
He often fishes in lakes and rivers in the vast rural areas and works as a robber in partnership with a group of people. More than 100 young people gathered to follow Peng Yue and said, "Please be our leader."
Peng Yue refused to say, "I don't want to join your team." The young man insisted and agreed.
Make an appointment with them to meet at sunrise tomorrow, and those who are late will be beheaded. When the sun came out the next day, a dozen people were late, and the last one didn't come until noon.
At that time, Peng Yue apologized and said, "I am old, but you insisted that I be the leader. Now that we have an appointment, many people are late. We can't all kill the head, we can only kill the last one. "
Ordered the headmaster to kill him. Everyone laughed and said, "Why? I won't dare in the future. "
So Peng Yue pulled up the last man and killed him. Set up an earthen altar, worship with a head, and order the people to return.
They were all shocked and afraid of Peng Yue, and no one dared to look up at him. So he led everyone to seize the land and collected more than 1000 soldiers who fled from the princes.
In the spring of the second year of Hanwang, Peng Yue led more than 30,000 troops to join forces with Hanwang in Waihuang. Hanwang was appointed Prime Minister of Wei, monopolizing military power and pacifying Liang.
During the three years of Hanwang, Peng Yue often sent troops for Hanwang to attack the Chu army and cut off their provisions in Emperor Liang. In the autumn of the fifth year of Han Dynasty, Wang Xiang's army retreated to xia yang, and Peng Yue conquered more than 20 cities next to Changyi, and seized more than 100,000 welcome grain as Hanwang's commissary.
Hanwang lost the battle and sent messengers to call Peng Yue to unite against the Chu army. Peng Yue said: "Di Wei has just been pacified, and he is afraid of the Chu army and can't go."
Hou Yue said, "Settle the land of Liang and make great contributions. At the beginning, because of Wei Bao, you only appointed Peng Yue as Minister of Wei. Now, after Wei Bao's death, there are no children, what's more, Peng Yue also intends to be king, but you didn't make a decision earlier. You have agreed with the two countries that if Chu is defeated, all the land north of Suiyang will be included as Peng Weiwang; From the coastal area east of Chen, it was awarded to Han Xin, king of Qi.
You can take out the land and promise to give it to two people, who will confess immediately. Even if you can't come, things won't be completely desperate. "So hanwang act according to the waiting plan.
As soon as the messenger arrived, Peng Yue led all the troops to join forces with Hanwang's army and defeated the Chu army. Ji Xiang is dead.
In the spring of that year, he was named King Liang and established the capital. In the autumn of the tenth year of the Han Dynasty, Chen Si rebelled in Dai Di. Emperor Gaudi of the Han Dynasty personally led a crusade and came to Handan to recruit soldiers from Liang Wang.
Liang Wang said he was ill and sent a general to Handan with a tie and an army. Gaudi was so angry that he arrested Liang Wang and imprisoned him in Luoyang.
The emperor pardoned him, demoted him to a civilian and exiled him to Qingyi County in Shu. Lv Hou said to the emperor, "King Peng is a brave and fearless man. Being exiled to Shu now is a disaster for him. It is better to kill him. "
So, Lv Hou made the public in Peng Yue accuse him of plotting to rebel again. Ting Wei Wang Tiankai called for the destruction of Peng Yue's family, and the emperor approved it, so he killed Peng Yue and destroyed his family, and the country was ruined.
6. The translation of the ancient prose "Zhang Xichuan, History of Song Dynasty" can be found online. But what you said seems to be Zhu's biography.
Zhu, a native of Wuyuan, Huizhou, is dark and above average. His father Zhu Songzi is Qiao Nian. Zhu was brilliant since he was a child. When he was just able to speak, his father pointed to the sky and told him, "This is the sky." Zhu asked, "What is above the sky?" Father was very surprised. When he entered school and studied with the teacher, the teacher taught him to read the filial piety. He read it once and wrote in the book: "If you can't do this, you can't be a person!" He used to play on the beach with a group of children, sitting there alone and drawing on the beach with his fingers. When others look at it, it turns out to be a gossip.
18 years old took the rural tribute examination and was admitted to Shaoxing 18 years old. In five years, Zhu was appointed as the commander-in-chief of Nankang Army. After taking office, it will promote the advantages and eliminate the disadvantages, just like it doesn't rain in the local area for a year. He attached great importance to measures to alleviate famine, and many people were able to save their lives. After the incident, Zhu demanded that those who provided food for disaster relief be rewarded according to the prescribed standards. He often goes to state and county schools to gather students to give them lectures. At that time, there was a great famine in eastern Zhejiang, and the prime minister wrote to replace Zhu as Changping in eastern Zhejiang, asking him to go to work that day without a bus. However, due to the lack of any reward from the imperial court for the relief of the hungry in Nankang, Zhu Wanyan declined to take up the post, and he didn't take up his post until the imperial court rewarded him. After Zhu took office, he immediately wrote to other counties and called rice merchants to exempt (juān) their business tax. By the time Zhu arrived in eastern Zhejiang, foreign merchant ships had gathered a large amount of grain. Zhu visited people's feelings and visited counties every day. He rode alone, without followers, and wherever he went, people didn't know his identity. County officials are afraid of his strict style, and some even abandon their officials and leave. In their jurisdiction, order is awesome. He sorted out and abolished all the clauses unfavorable to the people in the Ding Qian and the Service Law. In addition to providing relief for the famine, Zhu also made plans according to the actual situation and must make long-term plans for the people. Someone slandered Zhu, saying that he was careless in government affairs. The emperor said to him, "Zhu's political achievements are considerable."
In the 50 years that Zhu entered Keju, he served as an official in the field for only 27 years (ancient officials had a performance appraisal every three years, while nine subjects had 27 years) and served as an official in North Korea for only 40 days. His family has been so poor that they often lack food, but they can get along well. Some students came from afar to ask him for advice, so he served them bean rice and quinoa soup and ate them together. Zhu often needs to borrow money from others to make a living, but he never takes any immoral money. As a scholar, Zhu generally grasps the internal laws of things by deeply exploring the principles of things, so as to test himself and apply theory to practice. He once said that the thoughts and theories of ancient sages were scattered in ancient books, and the teaching of sages' thoughts and theories was vague because the purpose of writing books was not clear. Therefore, Zhu made every effort to deeply explore the ideological standards of sages. His books are widely circulated in the world. After Zhu's death, the imperial court took his Notes on Universities, The Analects of Confucius, Mencius and The Doctrine of the Mean as school textbooks. Zhu Yisheng's writings 100, students' questions and answers 80, others 10.
7. "He, the word, is from Guo County, Mingzhou. After taking the Fu Yuan exam, he worked as a scholar for two years. He was promoted to Dr. Bi Yong for many times, supervising the imperial history and assisting the imperial history in the temple.
The world has been peaceful for a long time, and armaments are slack, especially in the southeast. Michael Chen asked to increase the number of defenders and repair the city walls to prevent accidents. Some people accused it of being groundless and shelved it. Later, the thief made a riot and people admired his foresight. He was promoted to the left and was soon appointed to this position.
At that time, Tong Guan's power expanded more and more, and he shared power with Huang. In the imperial history, Hangzhou echoed with them from afar, and did evil inside and outside, which the literati dared not face up to. Michael Chen said: "This is the foundation of national security. My position is responsible for giving advice. At this time, I don't give advice. Once I am transferred to this matter, my job is not to give advice. " He didn't accept the appointment in this matter. First, he wrote to impeach Tong Guan bluntly. He also impeached Huang: "Bullying others, boasting, are among the same in the court. It is often said that the imperial edicts are all from his hands, the emperor will appoint someone and hold something, and the imperial edicts will be issued soon, just as he said. Giving orders is a great event for the country. It is the right of the son of heaven to get rid of stupid officials and promote wise people. How can eunuchs be involved? It's not just Huang that worries me. When this road is opened, there will be more similar users, and the disaster of the country will be unstoppable. I hope to exile him to a distant place as soon as possible. "
Before Michael Chen's performance was over, the emperor angrily brushed his clothes. Michael Chen grabbed the emperor's clothes and asked to finish. When the sleeves were torn off, the emperor said, "It's just pulling my clothes." Chen He said, "Your Majesty tore his clothes without hesitation. Dare I leave my head to repay your majesty? If these people are rich today, they will benefit, and your majesty will be in danger in the future. " Michael Chen's words were even more intense. The emperor changed his face and said, "What am I worried about if you speak with all your heart?" The chamberlain asked the emperor to change clothes, but the emperor refused, saying, "Keep these rags to commend the upright minister." The next day, Tong Guan and others came one after another to report that the country was very peaceful. How can they say such unlucky things? Lu Hang called Chen He proud and slow, and demoted him to Xinzhou Wine Supervisor. When Michael Chen was pardoned, he was free to return to the village.
At the beginning, Chen Guan returned from Ling and lived in Dan County. He befriended Chen Heyou and sent his son Chen to learn from Michael Chen. Later, Chen exposed Cai Jing's crimes and was escorted to the court. Chen Guan was also arrested. Huang tried their case and summoned Michael Chen to take evidence. Michael Chen replied that things did exist, and the crime did not dare to escape. Some people say that his answer is not appropriate. Michael Chen said, "Misfortune, death and life are all fates. How can you get the name of injustice by avoiding death? " I hope to share the sins of the sages. "So Michael Chen was framed as an accomplice of Chen Guan and dismissed.
When he was pardoned, Michael Chen was appointed as the commander of the Kwangtung Army and transferred to Canton. Soon after, he met the news of his mother's death, ended his mourning and became known as Xiuzhou. As soon as Wang Fu came to power, Michael Chen said, "How can you listen to Wang Fu?" He tried his best to resign, so he was appointed as well-known in Ruzhou. He resigned more resolutely, saying, "I would rather starve to death (than accept the appointment)." Wang Fu bears a grudge against him when he hears about it. Michael Chen's brother Chen Bing was a professor at Shouchun House at that time, and Michael Chen went to the official residence to serve his brother. As it happens, Tong Guan led an army through Shouchun Mansion and wanted to visit Michael Chen, but he couldn't get in the door and didn't accept Michael Chen's gift. Tong Guan is angry. When he returned to the imperial court, he spoke ill of Michael Chen. The emperor said, "This man has always been like this. Can't you tolerate it? " After a long time, the imperial court appointed Michael Chen as the magistrate of Zhou Shu. He died as soon as he took office, and was posthumously awarded as a Chinese medicine practitioner, with posthumous title as the envoy.
8. Read China's classical history of the Song Dynasty. He Jiyun passed on Jing Hanru, a native of Xindu, Jizhou.
Father's base, palace order. I am a scholar, I am a rogue, and I, Zhao Feng and Zhang Qi are thieves.
In Jintianfu, the leader is john young, and Zhao Yanshou, the prince of Yan, is entrusted, so he can take charge of the army. At the end of the shipment, Yanshou entered Bian Shi from Deguang, the master of Qidan, and served as the secretariat of Hanru and Mizhou.
At the beginning of Han Dynasty, Shannan East Road was changed to March Sima. At the beginning of the week, in order to lead the government, please serve the court, and poverty cannot be shaken.
At the beginning of his virtue, Sejong bravely spoke out and killed those who didn't have to die because he wanted Xiao samurai. Li Yanjie, the general manager, had heard of Confucianism, so he called him to the company and ordered him to recruit all the students.
Recruit Taiyuan, and order Han Ru to lead three thousand soldiers into the enemy's territory first. The lack of Confucianism made people rush to Taiyuan City and burned its east gate.
He is in charge of crane crossbowmen and big sword. Since Pingnan, he was appointed as the secretariat of Gwangju, and Taizhou was changed to the garrison ambassador, who was also the governor of Shu and Qi.
In four years, at the beginning of Taizhou, I really worshipped the secretariat and served as the supervisor of Hailing and Yancheng. In March next year, Sejong was lucky in Taizhou, taking Han Confucianism as the training ambassador and giving him a gold belt, silverware and pommel horse.
In the spring of the sixth year of Jian 'an, Ai Yi Que, a military attache, requested to remain in office and was praised by Emperor Gong. At the beginning of Jianlong, Zhengzhou was promoted to defense, and with the help of Han Confucianism, it was changed to the jurisdiction of Jinzhou military forces.
With courage and underestimating the enemy, Han Confucianism tried to ride deep into Jin territory. Many people can't close the wall and gain a lot. In the winter of that year, more than 1,000 riders were collected, and they arrived at the gates of Fenzhou, burning down its grass market, and the case soldiers retreated.
On the night of entering Beijing, Liu Jun sent general Hao Guichao to lead more than 10,000 people to attack Han Confucianism and arrived at dawn. In order to conquer your country, Han Confucianism sent the commander-in-chief and carpet lieutenant of Yan State to divide their troops.
Han Rujin's robe is wrapped in armor, and he enjoys a scholar according to his bed. This just cut off the sheep's arm, and Yan Wen went into a small place, that is, mounted his horse and ordered the soldiers to make a thief. How can people save their lives, but they are still fighting, killing more than a dozen people with their bare hands, and all of them are killed.
Liu was afraid of the courage of Han Confucianism, and often wanted to live. When he heard of his death, he demanded that Han Confucianism be killed. Mao deeply regretted this and appointed his son Shouxun as the deputy envoy of Xijing Wude.
Because Tu Yuan couldn't do it, Ci Zhou Yong Ying ordered Wang Jixun to lead the government and Yan Lingdian, and beheaded his subordinate Long Jie to command Shi Jinde and other 29 people. Confucianism is not interested in money, but generous to charity.
In Taizhou, there is the advantage of cooking in the sea, with an annual income of tens of thousands. It's not enough to use it alone. The wealth of a family is recorded, and its quantity is not asked.
Zhang is a knighted official. He was a native of Taizhou and said that he was the son of Zhang in the later Tang Dynasty. Han Ru said, "I have heard about Zhang Te's fame all my life, but I am fortunate to know his son.
"Gift, leave money five hundred thousand, meters thousand welcome.