"Songs in Cursive Script" Li Bai: The young master is called Huai Su, and his cursive script is known as Dubu in the world. Fishes fly out of the ink pond, and all the rabbits in Zhongshan are killed by the pen. The weather is cold in August and September, and the halls are full of drunkards and poets. There are several carriages of linen and linen silk, and Xuanzhou stone inkstones are ink-colored and shiny. After my master got drunk, he leaned on the rope bed and swept away thousands of them in a moment. The wind and rain are blowing, and the falling flowers and flying snow are everywhere. He stood up and faced the wall without stopping, a line of numbers as big as a bucket. It's like being frightened by gods and ghosts, and seeing dragons and snakes running away from time to time. The left pan and the right frowned like lightning, as if they were fighting with Chu and Han. Every family in the seven counties of Hunan has many barrier books and inscriptions. Wang Yishao and Zhang Boying were named after several waves in ancient times. Zhang Dian is old and dead. I follow this principle and do not follow the ancients. Since ancient times, everything has come naturally, so why should Gongsun Da Niang dance naked?