How to evaluate impression criticism

Impressionist criticism, or impressionist criticism, is a literary trend of thought and school that appeared in China's modern literature in 1930s and 1940s. This is a kind of literary criticism. Academic criticism and impression criticism constitute the "two wings" of literary criticism, while the latter is particularly active and popular with readers at all levels.

Impressionist literary criticism rose in the west in the first 30 years of the 20th century, mainly in Britain and France. It was translated, introduced and spread to China almost at the same time. China has a deep-rooted literary tradition of tasting art and appreciating criticism, and there are endless comments in his poems and novels. The collision and fusion between the western thoughts of impression criticism and the context of China's sense criticism formed the modern criticism of China in 1930s and 1940s.


The authoritative explanation of "impression criticism" in Encyclopedia of China is: "that is, perceptual criticism. This criticism refuses to make a rational and scientific analysis of the works, but emphasizes the aesthetic intuition of the critics. It believes that the best criticism is only to record the process of critics' feeling beauty, and at most to point out how and under what conditions the impression of beauty is produced.

Therefore, impressionism criticism is a kind of vague criticism, which is often written in the form of prose poems. Literary criticism has become an artistic category that is not essentially different from literary creation, and the people who write this criticism are often poets or writers themselves. "

Impression criticism has three basic characteristics: first, the intuition of works, second, the participation of subject emotions, and third, the artistry of comments. However, in different critics, impression criticism shows different faces and personalities.