Mr. Wu Liu doesn't know where he comes from, nor his name and inscription. Because there are five willows beside the house, I made my own number with them. He is quiet, seldom talks, and does not envy wealth. I like reading, but I don't work too hard on words. Whenever I understand the meaning of the book, I forget to eat with joy. He is addicted to alcohol, his family is poor, and he often has no alcohol to drink. Relatives and friends all know about him and sometimes invite him to drink. As soon as he comes, he will drink to his heart's content. I hope he will get drunk. Go home when you are drunk. Come on, let's go. The shabby room is deserted and can't cover the wind and sunshine. There are many patches on the coarse coat, and the rice basket and ladle are often empty, but he is at ease. I often write articles to amuse myself, and I also reveal my interests little by little from the articles. He never cared about gains and losses, so he ended his life.
Zan: Qian Lou's wife once said, "I'm not poor, and I'm not interested in getting rich and being an official." Judging from this, he should be Mr. Singing poetry while drinking, I feel extremely happy for my firm ambition. He is probably a man without Wyeth, or one of Ge Shitian's men?
Han Yu's Translation of Ma Shuo
Only when there is Bole in the world can there be a swift horse. There are often swift horses, but Bole is not often. Therefore, even valuable horses can only be humiliated by servants and die in the stable with ordinary horses, and they can't get the title of swift horse.
A horse that travels thousands of miles a day may eat a stone of grain at a meal, and the person who feeds the horse doesn't know how to feed it according to its ability to travel thousands of miles a day. Although such a horse has the ability to travel thousands of miles a day, its food intake and physical strength are insufficient, and its talent and good quality will not be shown. If it is impossible to be on an equal footing with an ordinary horse, how can it be required to travel thousands of miles every day?
Pushing it in the wrong way and feeding it are not enough for it to give full play to its talents. Listen to its cry and don't understand its meaning. On the contrary, standing in front of it with a whip, it said, "There is no swift horse in the world!" " Alas! Is there really no maxima? In fact, they really don't know maxima!