Song 2:2 My beloved is among women, as a lily among thorns.
Song 2:3 My beloved is among men, as an apple tree is among the trees.
True love is unique, only your beloved or spouse is in your eyes and heart. Others are simply not good enough to compare to the loved one. This is not to say that other people are not worthy of your care, but that the love you pour into your beloved (spouse) is something that others cannot share from you.
The crisis in marriage is the lack of emotional focus. Or parents and children, or work and hobbies, or the intrusion of other saboteurs, or one's own betrayal, etc. In fact, the most fundamental of these reasons and excuses is that people's hearts are no longer on her (him) in the marriage, which should be the most focused. There are numerous reasons why a marriage is ruined. It’s no wonder that today’s divorce rate is so high, and incidents of marital betrayal emerge one after another. Because the fragile marriage and love itself has so many holes that have been exploited, people do not even try to repair or resist.
When our hearts gradually see that thorns are more beautiful than lilies, and compare thorns with lilies, when we can’t see the apple tree in the woods, it is my support, and look for it in the woods. When we rely on others, we lose exclusivity in our love. Because at this time you feel that she (he) living with you can be replaced by another person. What a ridiculous thing!
But absurd things happen to us people frequently.
The relationship between us and God is reflected in the Bible through the marriage relationship. We humans cannot see that God is God, let alone glorify Him with a single-minded heart and worship Him as God. God reveals to his people that he is the only Lord, but people are always willing to follow their own preferences and the customs of this life to build their own gods. We cannot see that such behavior is a betrayal of the Creator. Because those who are in sin always think that what they do is the most reliable.
When we long for a happy marriage and family, may we think from the vision of such a marriage life that there is a love from eternity that is worth holding on to and entering. This is what God brought to us through His own Son, Jesus Christ. The love relationship He reveals to us is to trust Him alone, worship Him alone, and follow Him alone.
If you have not known the Lord who created us today, I hope you can use the church to understand this eternal love from heaven. This love far exceeds the love on earth that you envy. Because without this love in heaven, your love on earth does not exist. If you are already living in this eternal love, do you think in your mind that he alone is my most beloved? Will you still love more than you have fallen in love with the things around you that are not worthy of comparison with God? Does your job keep you from loving God? Are your hobbies and interests keeping you from loving God? Will your family life prevent you from worshiping the only true God together?
If you only see marriage in your family as exclusive, you do not realize that following the Lord Jesus Christ is also exclusive love. If we repent together and ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten us, we will love the Lord and worship Him even more. Because it is not enough to simply love her (him) in your family, you need to face the only Lord who established marriage and love.