Prayer: Ask the Lord’s Spirit to illuminate my heart, remove the filth in my heart, love the Lord’s words, and practice the Lord’s teachings. Ask the Lord to remove the hidden sins in your heart, suffer in the flesh with the Lord, cut off sin, and enjoy freedom in the holiness of the Lord. In the holy name of the Lord, amen!
Since we have been regenerated, we have the living and abiding word of God living in our hearts. The gospel preached by Peter is this word. Therefore, at any time and under any circumstances, we must rely on the truth, get rid of all malice, deceit, hypocrisy, jealousy and slander, and like a baby long for the pure spiritual milk, so that we will gradually grow and have the assurance of salvation. The taste of the Lord's grace is so sweet, far better than the delicacies of mountains and seas. The soul is satisfied and free. Who is worthy of such a blessing? They are those children who truly suffer for the Lord, take up their cross and follow the Lord.
When Jesus came to the world, he was rejected by the world, but he was chosen by God the Father and regarded as precious. Ask the Lord to bring those who truly follow you to you, and to be built by you into a spiritual palace, to be holy priests, to offer spiritual sacrifices in the name of the Lord. Every son and daughter who follows must also walk the road of the cross that the Lord has taken. May the Lord strengthen these loyal people to follow and persevere to the end!
Last night’s spiritual battle was the expansion of your kingdom. Although your servants suffered, what came out of their hearts and mouths was praise and thanksgiving, loving those who dishonored your name.” Soldiers", this is the mystery of the gospel, it is the Lord who gives them heavenly peace and joy, and experiences the presence of the Lord. May the Spirit of the Lord inspire those “soldiers” who are enslaved by power and money, and may the Lord’s redeeming love touch their hearts so that they can change their minds and return to your name. I pray that the Spirit of the Lord will also inspire me to be willing to suffer in the flesh for the Lord so that I can enjoy the heavenly blessing of being cut off from sin. Every time I pray like this, I feel ashamed. May the Lord strengthen my heart when persecution comes. Because the Bible says: "You are God's chosen and precious cornerstone in Zion; whoever believes in you will not be ashamed."
"For the word of the cross will perish there To men is foolishness, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. ? (1 Corinthians 1:18 KJV)” This gospel of the cross will save everyone who believes. And those who do not believe this gospel and do not obey the Lord's truth will stumble on this truth, which is predestined by the Lord.
God looks at people’s hearts, not like humans who only look at their appearance. May the Lord look into my heart and mind and guide me on the path of eternal life!
Please Lord, engrave your words on my heart so that I can be more than conqueror in my own weaknesses!