High school students must memorize ancient poems L: Encouragement to Study, Xiaoyaoyou, and Teacher’s Comments. The following is a detailed introduction:
1. Encouragement to learn (excerpt) - Xunzi
The gentleman said: Learning cannot be done anymore. Green is derived from blue, and green is from blue; ice is derived from water, and is cold from water. The wood is straight and the rope is in the middle. It is shaped like a wheel and its curve is regular. Although there is violence, those who no longer stand up are the ones who make it happen. Therefore, if wood is supported by a rope, it will be straight, if metal is sharpened, it will be beneficial. If a gentleman is knowledgeable and examines himself every day, he will know clearly and act without mistakes.
I spend the whole day thinking about it, which is not as good as what I learned in a moment; I stoop and look at it, but it is not as good as climbing up and gaining insights. When you climb high and make moves, your arms are not lengthened, but the sight is far away; when you call along the wind, the sound is not faster, but the sound is louder. A fake horse can travel thousands of miles without benefiting from its feet; a fake boat can run a thousand miles without benefiting from the water. A gentleman's life is not different, he is good at things and fake things.
When soil accumulates, mountains become the wind and rain; when water accumulates, the abyss becomes abyss, dragons emerge; when good deeds accumulate, virtue becomes virtuous, and the gods are satisfied with themselves, and the holy heart is prepared. Therefore, if you do not accumulate steps, you cannot reach a thousand miles; if you do not accumulate small streams, you cannot reach a river or sea. A horse can't take ten steps with one leap; a horse can ride ten times without giving up its merits. If you persevere, the rotten wood will not be broken; if you persevere, the metal and stone can be carved.
An earthworm has no sharp claws and teeth, nor strong muscles and bones. It eats earth and drinks from the underworld. A crab with six knees and two pincers is not a snake and eel that has nothing to rely on in its cave, so it means it is impatient.
2. Xiaoyaoyou - Zhuangzi
There is a fish in the North Ming Dynasty, and its name is Kun. The Kun was so big that it was unknown how many thousands of miles away it was; when it turned into a bird, its name was Peng. I don't know how many thousands of miles the Peng has on its back; when it flies in anger, its wings are like clouds hanging down from the sky. It is a bird, and the sea will migrate to Nanming. The one in Nanming is Tianchi.
Those who are harmonious are also those who are eccentric. Xie Zhiyan said: "The Peng migrates to Nanming. The water hits three thousand miles, and the one that swings upward is ninety thousand miles away. It goes to breathe in six months." Wild horses are also dust, and living things blow with their breath. also. The sky is blue, is it righteous or evil? Is it so far away that it is extremely evil? It looks down upon it, and if so, that’s it.
Moreover, the accumulation of water is not thick, so it will not be able to carry a large boat. Put a cup of water on the col hall, and the boat will be made of mustard; if you place the cup on top, it will be glued. The water is shallow and the boat is big. If the accumulation of wind is not thick, its large wings will be weak. Therefore, for ninety thousand miles, the wind is blowing down, and then it is today's Peifeng; those who carry the blue sky on their backs and do not care about Yaolan, then they are today's general Tunan.
Xu and Xuejiu laughed and said: "I will rise and fly, but my spear will stop. The time will not come, and I will only control the ground. How can I go south for ninety thousand miles?" "Those who are suitable for the wilderness will have three meals, and their belly will still be full; those who are suitable for a hundred miles, they will have to grind grain; those who are suitable for a thousand miles, they will gather grain in three months." How do you know the two insects!
Small knowledge is not as good as great knowledge, and small years are not as good as big ones. Xi Yi knows this? The bacteria in the morning don't know Hui Shuo, and the crickets don't know the spring and autumn. This is the young year. In the south of Chu there are Ming Ling people who consider five hundred years old as spring and five hundred years old as autumn; in ancient times there were Dachun people who considered eight thousand years old as spring and eight thousand years old as autumn: this is also the great year. And Peng Zunai has heard about it for a long time now, and everyone is like him. Isn’t it sad?
Tang Zhi also asked Ji: "To the north of Qianfa is the Minghai, which is also Tianchi. There is Yuyan, which is thousands of miles wide. No one knows how to cultivate it. Its name is Kun. There is. Bird Yan, its name is Peng, its back is like Mount Tai, and its wings are like clouds hanging from the sky. It holds its horns and flies up ninety thousand miles away. p> He scolded him and said, "Is he making fun of me?" The debate is also.
My old husband knows that he can serve as an official, his conduct can be compared with that of a village, his virtue can be matched with that of a monarch, and he can conquer a country, this is how he sees himself. But Song Rongzi still laughed at it. And it is enough to praise him in the world without admonishing him, to criticize him in the world without discouraging him, to distinguish between internal and external, to argue about honor and disgrace. He is alive in this world, but it is impossible to count him. Although, there are still no trees. Fuliezi walked against the wind, calm and kind, and then turned around after five days.
It is impossible to count those who have brought happiness. Although this is unnecessary, there is still something to be expected. If you take advantage of the righteousness of heaven and earth and guard against the debate of the six qi, and you want to swim infinitely, how can you treat him badly? Therefore, it is said: A perfect person has no self, a god has no merit, and a saint has no name.
3. The saying of teachers - Han Yu
The ancient scholars must have teachers. A teacher is the one who preaches the truth, receives karma and resolves doubts. People are not born with knowledge, how can they be free from confusion? If you are confused and do not follow the teacher, it is confusion, and you will never be able to understand it. Those who were born before me, they heard the Tao before me, and I learned from them; those born after me, they heard the Tao before me, and I learned from them.
As my teacher, do you know who was born to me one year or another? Therefore, there is neither high nor low, neither long nor short. Where the Tao exists, the teacher exists.
Sigh! It’s been a long time since teachers’ teachings were passed on! It’s hard to be clear of confusion! The ancient saints were also far away from others, and they still asked if they were teachers. Today's people are also far away from the saints, and they are ashamed to learn from their teachers. Therefore, the saint will benefit the saint, and the fool will benefit the fool.
Is this why saints are saints and fools are fools? If you love your son, you will choose a teacher and teach him; if you are concerned about your son, you will be ashamed of the teacher and confused. The teacher of the boy, who teaches the book and then learns its sentences, is not what I call someone who teaches his way and solves his confusion. I don't know how to read a sentence, I don't understand it when I'm confused, maybe it's a teacher's fault, or maybe it's not a good idea. A man of witchcraft, medicine, music and craftsmanship, he is not ashamed to be a physiognomist.
As a clan of scholar-bureaucrats, those who say "master" or "disciple" will gather together and laugh. When asked, he said: "He is similar to that year, and the Tao is similar. A low position is shameful, and a high official is close to flattery." Woohoo! It can be seen that the teacher's way is no longer restored.
Gentlemen despise a man who is a man of witchcraft, medicine, music and craftsmanship, but now his wisdom is beyond his reach. How strange that is!
The sage is the teacher of impermanence. Confucius studied under Tanzi, Changhong, Xiang and Laodan. The disciples of Tanzi were not as wise as Confucius. Confucius said: When three people are walking together, there must be my teacher. Therefore, the disciple does not have to be inferior to the master, and the master does not have to be better than the disciple. There is a priority in learning the Tao, and there is a specialization in the art, that's all.
Zi Pan, a seventeen-year-old son of the Li family, was fond of ancient Chinese prose and was familiar with all the classics and biographies of the six arts. Yu Jiaqi was able to practice the ancient way and taught him as a teacher.