Wuzi was born on the sixth day of the lunar month, and the God of Cookery is seated in the Yin Shou School;
If Bing Ding is not seen in the same noonday, he must be a person of great splendor and splendor.
At the time of Xinri and Wuzi, Liuyin faces Yang. Xin Jinzi went to Changsheng Academy. Xin uses Wu as the seal and Gui as the food. When the time is bright and the Wu is dark, the characters Bing, Ding, and Wu are not seen in the pillars. If there is no moon energy, it will be good for luck, which is also expensive.
Xin Chou day Wuzi time, Chou month, miscellaneous Qi, financial officials, noble. Pure ugliness, Confucianism. Chun Chen, Xing You Yun, Du Xian ①. In You month, northeast luck is high. Avoid Geng Yin month, which is bad for piercing the face. In the last month of Gui, he was punished. Guichou month. Ruined and lonely.
On the day of Xin Mao and Wu Zi, spring is born, Yin is poor and Mao is noble. Xia Qinggui. Autumn Sheep Blade is useless. Winter is rich, the ugly moon is Yugi. At the end of the month of Chenxu, the financial officer's seal is slow and only auspicious. "Shenbai Jing" says: Gold cremation is noble. Avoid the Xin Mao month, and your parents will die violently. In the Xinsi month, there will be great misfortune, and in the Renshen month, not all corpses will die.
At the time of Wuzi on the day of Xinsi, in the noon month of Yinsi, the official is the noble one. Haizi, injured official, has few children and many wives. Maoxu, the fifth grade is expensive. "Shenbai Jing" says: Gold turns into an elephant, which is noble. Avoid Bingyin month, which means punishment and peace. In Yisi month, you will be poor first. Ding You month, Yao.
Xinwei day and Wuzi period are expensive. In the year and month of Yinsi, Wu and You, the luck of fire and wood is noble. Haizi. Hanyuan ⑤. In Chenxu, when the ugliness is not over, there are miscellaneous Qi, wealth and official seals, which are all auspicious. Avoid Geng Shen Yue, if the corpses are not all dead. Renzi month is lonely and fierce. The punishment for death in the Guichou month is,
On the Xinyou day and the Wuzi period, when the Ziyou month is born, there is no Bing and Ding fire, and there is no southward movement, so the third and fourth grades are noble. Hurt your wife; the weight of your military position. "Shenbai Jing" says: Golden cremation, the Lord is noble, and the ancestors will be born. Avoid Renyin month, which will lead to fierce death. In the Xinsi month, there was a great defeat, and the ancestors were in trouble. Gengxu month, fierce death.
When you see Wuzi on the six xin day, it is said that the heaven is clear and clear. Xinyou and Xinhai got it, it was the highest, avoid Bingyin month, death will not be complete. In Bingshen month, I left my hometown. Ding You month means loss and bad death.
On the Wuzi day of Xinhai, if you are not noble, you will be rich. In the month of Hai, there are no officials, all the injured officials will be injured, and there will be few blessed children. In spring and summer, Haizi is ugly, wood and fire are in luck, gold and purple are fengxian.
Tian Yuan was born in the sixth hour of the year, and the flowers bloom brightly in spring;
Bing Si noon is like destruction, and it is hard to expect fame to be achieved until later.
Xinri meets Wuzi, and the six yins meet the rising sun. The Golden God Seal slowly shows its power, helping to make the whole body prosperous.
At noon, the blessings are reduced, and Bing leaves the hall of the wild goose couple. The wife works hard to help the prosperous family village, and she does not break the poor family.
Notes ① Du Xian: The chief of the Du Xian Yuan, such as the Du Censor, the Deputy Censor, the Jindu Censor, etc. ②Tabbed face: A type of punishment in ancient times. Marks were carved on the face and sent to the frontier for service. ③Hanyuan: Another name for Hanlin Academy. ① A humble family; a humble family background.