Kan Kan cut sandalwood, the river dried up, and the river was clear and rippling. No crops, no crops, no crops, no crops. No hunting, no hunting. Is there a county in Hu Zhaner's court? He is a gentleman, he is not a vegetarian! Kan Kan is expanding, one side of the river is flowing, and the river is clear and straight. No crops, no crops, no crops, no crops, no crops. No hunting, no hunting, is there a special county in Hu Zhan's court? He is a gentleman, and he is not a vegetarian! Kan Kan cut the wheel, the river flows, the river is clear, and the river is destroyed. No crops, no crops, no crops, no crops. No hunting, no hunting. Is there a county quail in Huzhanerting? He is a gentleman, but he is extraordinary!
Fire is full in July, and clothes are delivered in September. The first day I was fat, the next day I was fierce. No clothes, no brown, why did you die? On the third and fourth day, I stood on tiptoe. And my daughter-in-law. The Guardian said, "Very good". Fire is full in July, and clothes are delivered in September. In spring, the sun shines and Amin is in the sky. The woman followed with a basket, begging for soft mulberry. Spring came and Qi Qi was adopted. The woman was so sad that she almost took her son home. Fire is full in July and reeds are full in August. Silkworm, moon, mulberry, take the axe. I'm afraid of mulberry if I want to cut far and wide. Singing in July, achievement in August. Xuan zai Huang, I, for the childe petticoats. Beautiful in April, singing in May. Harvest in August and crush in October. A day to raccoon, fox, for the child. The next day, they were still the same, carrying martial arts. In private, in public. In May, geese move, and in June, pheasants vibrate. July in the wild, August in the spare time, September in the house, October cricket, got into my bed. The dome suffocated the mice and stuffed them into the door. Hey, my wife, she said she wanted to change her age and entered this room. In June, food is depressed and stinging, in July, anemones and stingrays. Peel dates in August and get rice in October. To this end, spring wine, with the help of eyebrows. Eat melons in July, break pots in August and pick tea in September. We poor farmers can feed. Nursery will be built in September and crops will be harvested in October. The millet is heavy, and the grass is shelled. Well, I am a farmer. Because I have the same crops, I went to work in the palace. The sun is in the hair, the night is in the rope, and the house is taken urgently, and the hundred valleys are broadcast. The next day, I cut the ice and rushed, and on the third day, Lingyin was satisfied. On the fourth day, its flea sacrificed the lamb to the leek. First frost in September, washing the floor in October. A friend drank wine and said, kill the lamb and go to court. Call him: long life without borders!
Both of them were selected for the middle school text.