summary of scripture:? So that we can comfort those who suffer from all kinds of troubles with the comfort given by God, and the more we suffer from the sufferings of Christ, the more we will be comforted.
What kind of God is God?
God is the God who comforts, pities and helps people.
lesson: God makes people suffer because they need to comfort those who are suffering with their own experiences. Suffering is also a grace and blessing from God.
gratitude:? Although we have experienced difficulties and stumbled, we are grateful to God for keeping us from falling and losing our minds. By virtue of God's grace, we can come and help people in trouble, and we are also grateful to have family members to pray, watch and support us in trouble.
Listen: The Lord said, "My child, suffering is my blessing for your makeup. Not only do you have to be blessed, but others also have to be blessed. This is my lesson for you. You can learn it well."
pray: Dear Lord Jesus, although no one wants to encounter difficulties, what happened to me is because of you, so I will keep silent. I am willing to obey your will and obey your commands.
in the name of Jesus! Amen
application:? Be patient in trouble, because he who endures to the end will be saved.