Fasting induction teaching

Fasting induction teaching

Tai Jiu: 13- 17


? This passage is a teaching caused by fasting. With regard to fasting, the law of Moses in

Fasting induction teaching

Fasting induction teaching

Tai Jiu: 13- 17


? This passage is a teaching caused by fasting. With regard to fasting, the law of Moses in the Old Testament clearly stipulates that on Yom Kippur, all the people of Israel will fast all over the country. However, from the time of judges or even later, when the Israelites were in danger or mentally exhausted and committed crimes, the Israeli people would fast. Therefore, in the eyes of Jews, fasting has become a symbol of spirituality, religion and piety.

? For the practice of fasting, the Pharisees will have twice a week, on Monday and Thursday respectively. When they fast, their faces are solemn, their expressions are serious and their hair is messy. They try to show their piety in front of everyone through hard fasting, and even become a show off.

Therefore, when they found out that Jesus, as a Jewish rabbi, did not teach his disciples to fast, John's disciples and Pharisees were extremely puzzled. In contrast, Jesus answered them with three metaphors: the metaphor of the groom and his companions, the metaphor of new cloth and old clothes, and the metaphor of old and new purses. On the one hand, he explained why his disciples didn't fast. On the other hand, he used this metaphor to show that he was introducing a new life, a new era, and a new Covenant between God and man.

First of all, the metaphor of the groom and the best man

John's disciples asked Jesus why his disciples did not fast. In fact, Jesus did not oppose fasting or ask people not to fast. Because Jesus himself not only fasted (Matthew 4: 2), but also encouraged his disciples to practice this spiritual practice correctly (Matthew 6: 16- 18). Faced with the criticism of this group of people, Jesus asked them, "When the groom and his companions are together, can their companions fast?" Jesus answered them with the metaphor of a wedding banquet, saying that when the groom is present, it should be a happy moment. Obviously, fasting is not appropriate.

? In this parable, Jesus compares the groom to himself and his companions to his disciples. Jesus said: He came to bring joy and satisfaction to people. When disciples are happy and satisfied with the Lord, they don't have to fast. Because the main purpose of fasting is to establish a good relationship with the Lord. Since we are full of joy in the presence of the Lord, there is no need to fast.

Jesus said, but the day will come when the bridegroom will leave them, and then they will fast. Jesus said that one day his disciples would start fasting. What time? It is the time when the groom' left them', which refers to the day when Jesus was crucified, and then people need to fast. Therefore, in this metaphor, we can see that Jesus did not object to people's fasting. What matters is whether our motives and circumstances are appropriate. It is not appropriate to sing or mourn for the sad people at the wedding.

When is the right time to fast? First of all, it is appropriate to fast before Jesus comes. In the world of suffering, poverty and drought, God's people express their urgent hopes and prayers by fasting, waiting for the arrival of the redeemer Messiah. Secondly, it is appropriate to fast after the ascension of the Lord, because we will still experience all kinds of difficulties and trials, and we will eagerly wait for the second coming of Christ through fasting.

Secondly, through this metaphor, Jesus also showed that fasting and/or fasting and praying is a way to celebrate the joy of living with the Lord. However, when the original beautiful tradition loses its meaning and purpose, it will only become a mere formality. Fasting is ok, but it should not be superficial. Unfortunately, John's disciples and Pharisees did not understand and practice the true meaning of fasting.

Second, the metaphor of new cloth and old clothes

Jesus set up another parable and told them that no one put new cloth on old clothes, because if they were put on old clothes, the clothes would be bad, and even worse. . New fabrics usually need to be rinsed and shrunk to make clothes. It is not appropriate to sew a new cloth directly on the old clothes. On the one hand, the new cloth sewn on the old clothes does not reflect its novelty, but only shows the old clothes. On the other hand, more importantly, the new cloth did not shrink, and it was sewn on the shrunk old clothes. When clothes meet water, the shrinkage of new cloth will tear the old clothes and make them bigger than the original ones. Therefore, no one will mend new cloth on old clothes.

? In this metaphor, the new clothes refer to the salvation of Jesus, and the old clothes refer to the life of the old man. Old clothes are always riddled with holes, and it will be helpful to mend the broken parts of old clothes with new cloth, so the best way is to take off old clothes and put on new ones. Therefore, this parable of Jesus is to show that he came not to mend, but to end the past and open the future. He didn't come to supplement the old testament with the new testament, but to replace the old testament with the new testament. Anyone who wants to obey the laws of the Old Testament will destroy the faith of the New Testament. Under the New Testament, external practice is not routine, but completely follows the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Christians want to please God, not by imitating Christ's life on earth, but by accepting Christ's redemption work with faith and putting on his robe as our righteousness. No one can make up for the defects of our old behavior with the grace of God. We cannot confuse grace with law; When the two are mixed together, grace loses its sweetness, law loses its terror, and it becomes non-grace illegal.

Through this metaphor, Jesus is also telling the Pharisees not to pay attention to the etiquette of being seen, but to ignore the importance of piety to God. Fasting is not to be saved, to show one's piety, to gain merit from God by one's own efforts, and it is by no means a simple rule that all food must be banned on Mondays or Thursdays. Fasting must be based on the belief in God. Fasting must be based on the desire for God himself, and it is also to establish a deeper and more intimate relationship with God. This is the true meaning of fasting.

Of course, for today's Christians, this does not tell us that since external etiquette is not as important as internal piety, we do not need to fast or participate in spiritual activities. This means that God values a person's inner piety more than external religious ceremonies. Therefore, we should think, worship on Sundays, meet on weekends, pray privately and read the Bible. Are we task-oriented, habit-oriented, or out of desire?

Third, the metaphor of new wine and old bag

? In order to further discuss the issue of fasting, Jesus went on to tell a metaphor of new wine and old wineskins. In biblical times, people often put wine in skins. After a period of time, the leather bag will harden and lose its elasticity. For this reason, the old leather bag is not suitable for new wine, because the new wine is still fermenting, which is likely to burst the old leather bag that has lost its elasticity. On the contrary, the new skins are more elastic and can withstand the pressure generated during the fermentation of new wine.

? According to the characteristics of skins, Jesus pointed out that if new wine is put into old skins, the skins will burst. Not only will the wine leak out, but even the leather bags will be destroyed. New wine is always packed in new leather bags. The metaphor of new wine refers to the brand-new teaching brought by Jesus, and the metaphor of old leather bag refers to the formalism and dogmatism of Judaism. The scribes and Pharisees ignore the essence of the law and only follow the old ideas and concepts in form. Therefore, Jesus used this metaphor to tell them that the Lord expects his followers not to follow the old Jewish customs, such as ritual fasting.

Jesus went on to say, "Only by putting new wine in new skins can two people be saved." . The "new skin" refers to a new person in Christ, that is, a person who has been given a reborn spirit and renewed life. New wine can't be put in old leather bags, but in new ones. Explain that Christ wants us to be new creatures, with the style of Christ's rebirth and the image of Christ. All old buildings must be demolished, completely updated and changed.

Putting new wine in new leather bags also shows that we should have a soft and open heart, eager to accept the teaching of Jesus and the watering of the Holy Spirit. There is a price to pay, because the power of the Holy Spirit, like wine fermentation, will force us to change our thoughts, concepts and personalities. Therefore, only Christians who have been treated by the cross and those who have been reborn and saved will the spirit of Christ live in him. When God's life enters a person, the appearance of this person's external behavior will definitely change. As Paul said, if anyone is in Christ, there must be a new creation, and the old things have passed and become new (1 Cor. 1. 5: 17). So, brothers and sisters, we are now a new person, an old man who has sinned and fallen, and has died because of Christ's salvation and has been crucified.


? Jesus Christ did not come to abolish the law. His incarnation and salvation on the cross completely fulfilled the justice of the law, so we are justified by faith because we believe that Jesus Christ fulfilled the requirements of legal justice for us and forgave us all our sins and transgressions on the cross. Therefore, our salvation cannot be put in the old leather bag of legalists, but we should pursue spiritual renewal and change to satisfy God's heart.