All the pictures of the experiment in Star Baby.

the picture is not available. . . But this one does! !


1 experimental product Slink

function is to shrink the victims.

p>2 experimental product Shuangshuang

has the function of purifying food with saliva. (It's disgusting.)

Why does Experiment p>3

make people keep asking themselves questions?

Kiki, the experiment p>7

It looks like a lovely ornamental dog, but when he barks constantly, you will be crazy.

p>1 experimental product Philip

It has excessive cleanliness, its nose and tail have cleaning ability, and it can emit laser cannons. The disadvantage is that it can't tell the dust that needs to be removed from the people who didn't take a shower. After being transformed into a garbage maker.

the experimental nut p>14

its function is to keep popping popcorn at the head.

p>2 experimental product slick

Its function was made by Qiangba to promote the invention, but there was something wrong with its design. It won't stop when it becomes a sales promotion.

Experiment Star p>25

It was originally designed as a lighting beacon in the war, but later it became a decorative star on the top of the Christmas tree.

p>29 experimental checkers

looks like a crown, and its function is to jump on a human head and make any creature obey this man's rule.

experiment p>32 lies

His function is a lie detector. When someone tells a lie, he will spit out his tongue and the erythema on his head will shine.

p>33 experimental hammer

It was originally made by Qiangba to fix nails for the decoration of the house, but the design went wrong, and it would smash things to pieces before giving up. No.36 broken jar

Its function is to drill through the container containing liquid with its tail, so that the liquid can leak.

p>4 experimental hoe cultivator

Its function is to grow vegetables as gardeners.

Experiment p>54 is small

It looks like Experiment 119 when chocolate is not activated. Its function is to cover the enemy with chocolate. 119 appeared in the invisible rabbit magic.

p>56 experiment Nie Bihoreau

Its function is to nibble at things trapped in the corner.

p>62 experimental French fries

Its function was originally to be a private chef, but there was something wrong with its design. It would make delicious but nutritious junk food to suffocate the diners, and then he would eat them.

experiment p>86 Ding Ding

Its function is to imprison and capture enemies. It can be split in half, capture two enemies at the same time, and keep them in the stomach.

Experiment p>89 jumps

It can jump the time to ten years later and has a reset button.

Experiment p>11 is noisy

Its function keeps talking and makes the enemy nervous.

experimental shoe p>113

Its function is to bring bad luck, but it will bring good luck if the horseshoe is turned around.

experimental chocolate p>119

is the activated appearance of experimental chocolate No.54, and its function is the same as small size.

experiment p>133, little urchin

His function is to play tricks on the enemy.

Experiment p>151 can turn everyone into a baby or a toddler, and the only prescription to restore their real age is 1% Kona coffee beans.

Experiment Searcher p>158

It's a furry alien experiment, and it's a master tracker.

experimental scissors p>177

It likes to eat hair and hairballs, which makes all the residents of Kauai bald.

Experiment p>199, Gossip Guy

It pursues gossip all day long and reveals the most embarrassing secrets of others.

Experiment p>24 lost socks

Its function is to keep putting socks in the stomach for washing. You can't find socks to wear.

But in the Japanese version of Star Baby, it was also activated with the lamb.

p>21 experiment flows backwards

Its function is to make the enemy's weapons and equipment degenerate to the original or low-level state.

p>221 experimental product Xiao Spark

sends out strong electric waves, interrupting the power supply of electrical appliances

p>222 experimental product blain

It is a microorganism that lives in the human body, and it can cause the host's feet to stink, grow purple blisters and burp constantly.

A glitch in Experiment p>223

can enter the computer to make trouble.

the experiment p>226 melts the baby

It has the ability to melt substances.

experiment p>248 Bell

threatened the enemy with screaming.

experiment p>249, Sperling

It is designed to launch stones.

p>251 experiment glue

will stick disunited people together.

p>254 experiment Mr. Stinky

It looks cute, but when it turns itself into a stinky time bomb, it is not cute at all.

p>258 experiment Bobo

collects sound samples and repeats them endlessly, which drives people crazy.

Experiment p>262 Ace

is a completely harmless hero who can correct mistakes.

Experiment p>276 nightmare

enters the enemy's dream and turns his dream into a nightmare.

Experiment p>258 is lazy

Being shot by its tentacles will make people lazy and everyone will go on holiday.

p>288 experimental boomerang

Its body is a boomerang.

the short leg of experiment p>297

It has the ability to short-circuit the electric machinery

The little ghost of experiment p>3

It can be deformed at will at Halloween, and become the most fearful thing in your consciousness.

p>33 Amnesia Elf

has big shining eyes, but this alien experiment will destroy your memory.

The small horn of Experiment p>313

can emit powerful sound waves and destroy buildings.

p>319 experiment spike

It will increase the stupidity factor in the intelligence of normal people by 99%.

the magic of love in experiment p>323

As long as it pecks at you, you will immediately fall in love with the first person you see next.

p>344 is abundant.

It can automatically copy and reproduce creatures.

p>345 is a rubber clown.

It has infinite flexibility and is a performance star of the circus.

p>349 experimental object Bonnie Female Thief

This is a female experimental object, always robbing and invading with No.35 experimental object Bonnie Female Thief.

experiment Clyde male thief

p>35 always participates in robbery and invasion together with experiment Clyde female thief No.349. He has a mechanical weapon arm in his left hand.

Experiment p>355 exchanges

Its function exchanges people's minds.

Experiment p>36 Sleeping Sheep

Its function makes people sleep

Experiment p>375 Phantom

It looks like a ghost, and can be possessed by any object, which makes them alive.

experiment p>383 is a small whirlpool

it will put opponents into a coma and make them listen to the first instructions they hear.

p>39 experimental product is sticky

Its function is to spray mucus and make it dirty.

p>41 experiment Jamie

Its function jumps on the enemy, biting the enemy like a mosquito, making the enemy painful.

experiment p>477, Bat Brother

He looks like a bat, and will suck substances from his nose

Experiment p>489, Hugo

His function is to compress human life and make people premature aging.

No.51 experimental product Yin

It is good at ejecting water column, and it often damages the experimental product 52 "Yang". They always go in and out together.

Experiment Yang No.52

It is good at ejecting magma, and often collaborates with Experiment 51 to destroy it.

p>55 is polluted

It will collect the pollution and release it to a certain extent.

Experiment Bud Bud p>59

If it is fertilized, it will quickly grow into a horrible forest.

Experiment p>513 is on the Richter scale

It likes to cause earthquakes, destroy the world and cause panic.

Experiment p>515, Forest nemesis

Its function is to quickly clear the forest

Experiment p>52, a huge alien experiment, likes to cause tsunamis to attack islands.

Experiment p>523 Xueni

This chilly alien experiment has the ability to turn a tropical island into a polar wasteland.

p>529 experimental drill

Its function is to drill holes through the planet with its tail.

Experiment p>531 Haishan

He likes to study history, create chaos and is good at jumping.

p>533 braggart expert

It is indeed a "braggart expert" who can blow the cow to the sky.

experimental wind p>54

The main function is to generate strong wind that can blow away any object.

experiment p>544 flying hammer

He destroyed crops with six hands.

p>566 experimental object, oil field exploration

Digging is its strong point.

experimental tank p>586

It can eat any metal, and it will grow bigger with each bite.

A Dai, the experimental product p>6

The main function is to be stupid and make trouble.

Experiment p>61 kicked the king

It was designed with a very simple function, that is, kicking down its enemies.

The experimental monster p>62

Although it has only small hand fins and foot fins, it has a dorsal fin that is enough to split the whole ship in half.

p>63 experimental laser ball

Its function is to emit a laser beam to.

Houdini, the experiment p>64

As long as it blinks its big eyes, everything will disappear out of thin air.

Experiment p>66 Heilio

is an alien experiment that can create a black hole that devours everything by opening its mouth.

Experiment p>67 Langqi

Its function is to make buildings and space distort and collapse. It looks like Pippi, kim possible Kim's pet mouse, and is confused by bullies.

p>68 experimental stick

Its function is to reflect the enemy's throwing objects

The heat of p>69 experimental stick

Its function is to emit powerful explosive energy.

Experiment p>611 special weapon

It can become any special weapon.

Yaya, the experiment p>613

It was originally designed to use it as the hair of a telephone microphone to emit sound waves and instantly turn any building into powder.

Experiment Group p>617

Its function is to fire liquid bullets at the enemy from the tail.

experimental traffic light p>618

Its function is to cause traffic chaos.

experiment p>619, the flame ball

This unpleasant experiment always likes to shoot a flame-like blast from its own hair.

experiment p>624, Angie

This female alien experiment influenced her cousins and turned them from good to evil.

Reuben, the experiment No.p>625

It has all the functions of 626, but the language ability of 625 is better than that of 626. He is lazy and timid, but he can make delicious sandwiches.

Experiment p>626 Shi Dizai

Brave and loyal Shi Dizai is the protagonist of this story. It not only has to find all the experimental products, but also has to protect Liluo and others from being hurt by the steel followers of hamster flywheel. It's honest and sometimes a little jealous, but it's simple-minded and very kind. Lovely experiment

p>627 is bad for Shi Dizai

It is bigger, worse and more evil than Shi Dizai.

Experiment p>628 Leroy

Evil experiment will attract people's needs.

experiment p>629 moody

has the function of destroying beautiful makeup painted by others, making people ugly, depressed and moody.