Ah! I feel sorry for this desolate place. The grass has turned yellow, and the rabbit has long been frosted. When the dog faded, the man raised his tassel gun and immediately bore it. The car was carrying grain and hunting in the paddock. He, he and he, sadly resigned from the Han Lord; Me, me, me, hand in hand on the river beam. He went from poverty to famine, and I went back to Xianyang. Go back to Xianyang and cross the palace wall; Cross the palace wall and bypass the cloister; Around the cloister, near the pepper room; Near the pepper room, the moon is hazy; The moon is bright and the night is cool; The night is very cold, and I cry cold; Crying cold, green screen window; Green screen window, forget it.
It's in the nuclear button, but not because the most real method is used.
In classification, it belongs to Yuanqu, which can be regarded as a generalized poem, but it is not a standard poetic style.