After reading Zhuangzi and Huizi’s Swimming in Haoliang:
Zi is not a fish, how can he know that he is a fish? It comes from Zhuangzi's "Autumn Waters" by Zhuangzi. It says: Zhuangzi and Huizi were swimming on Haoliang. Zhuangzi said: "The fish swim calmly, which is the joy of fish." Huizi said: "You are not a fish, how can you know the happiness of fish?" Zhuangzi said: "You are not me, how do you know that I don't know the joy of fish?" Huizi said: "I am not a son, so I do not know the son. The son is certainly not a fish, and the son does not know the joy of fish." Zhuangzi said: "Please follow its roots." Confucius said: "You know the joy of fish." If you ask me since you already know what I know, I know what it is. "According to Keiko, if it is not a fish, we cannot know the happiness of the fish; then, if it is not a horse, we cannot know the happiness of the horse; if it is not the wind, we cannot know the direction of the wind. Continuing according to this inference, Nothing in the world can be known. Keiko's view is called "agnosticism".
In fact, our human knowledge is limited. Some can correctly understand objective things, and some cannot be understood correctly. , but there are no things in the world that can only be recognized temporarily, and there are no things that can never be recognized. Although this is the truth, it does not mean that we are born to know what the other person thinks, and what are the other person's hobbies? mutual communication and understanding.