Wang Bo, a scholar from Zhenyuan, was lonely and poor when he was a teenager. I used to live in Mulan Courtyard of Zhao Hui Temple in Yangzhou and eat vegetarian food with monks. Later, I got tired of him, ignored him, and rang the doorbell after dinner. Wang Bo was so ashamed that he wrote a poem on the wall and left. Twenty-four years later, Wang Bo became a high official and became our Huainan escort. He revisited his hometown and saw that all his poems were covered with green veils. Wang Bo wrote two quatrains in his original place:
I visited this hospital 30 years ago. Mulan Hospital is newly built.
Now let's go to the trail. The old monk without flowers is old.
I felt ashamed to hear Li's bell before going to class after dinner.
After 30 years of dust, now there is a blue sarong.