Time is like imitation sentences

Time is like the breeze, which can help us dispel the clouds of sorrow in our hearts; time is like the drizzle, which can help us wash away the impurities in our souls.

Imitating sentences means that in a certain language environment, according to the needs of language expression, refer to the sentence pattern provided in the question stem, and choose one or more sentences with the same sentence pattern and connection between content and context. . The more important point of imitating sentences is the formal constraints, which requires us to clarify the sentence structure, sentence structure and even tone of the example sentences. When imitating, we should pay attention to the high consistency of the sentence structure and form. Or routines or variations, or statements or questions, or imperatives or exclamations; but also to clarify the semantic relationships within the sentences, or transitions or progressions, or cause and effect or assumptions. Or total score or tie, etc., all must meet the standards.

Rhetoric, as a means of expression, is only limited to being able to identify certain figures of speech, which is obviously not enough. The imitation sentences focus on "use" to test figures of speech, which is in line with the "Exam Instructions" The proposed content of "correct use of common rhetorical methods" has a very good guiding role in promoting the improvement of students' language expression level. Before copying, you should analyze the figures of speech used in the given example sentences, whether they are metaphors or comparisons, metonymy or hyperbole, antithesis or parallelism, etc. These must be strictly followed.