Many Christians say "the devil's work" every time they do something wrong, and they dare not swear or curse God. Sometimes it's really the devil, and sometimes it's your fault! Once, halfway through, the angel saw a pile of black things crying. The angel asked, "Why are you crying here?" It was dark and looked up. It turned out to be a ghost. They said, "We were slandered by Christians, and their church was in a mess. They say the devil did it, but we often do it, but this time we didn't do it, they did it themselves. They refused to admit their mistakes, but blamed us. " Don't blame others for everything, admit your mistakes and your sins.
If there are 1500 people here, everyone repents the sins of the other 1499 people, "Lord, forgive them, they are all sinners, I don't have to." Another person also said, "Lord, you forgive the person next to me, so I don't have to." So God said, "There are 1500 sinners who don't need forgiveness." Be selfish when confessing: "God, I don't know about others. I am a sinner. Please forgive me. " If 1500 people admit their sins regardless of others, God says, "Look, there are 1500 people who need forgiveness."
God does not destroy the devil, because without the devil, Christians cannot win. Who would you win if there were no demons? God left the devil to us to defeat him, so that we could win. The existence of the enemy is our chance to win. It is a biblical lesson that we can win in ghosts, but it is not a biblical lesson that I commit crimes in ghosts. Because the Bible doesn't say that we should confess the sins of the devil, we should confess our own sins. No matter what the ghost is, God is faithful and just.
On the other hand, God lets the devil continue to show how corrupt he is. After the police catch the bad guy, they don't destroy him immediately, but let him show what he did in the past and distinguish between good and evil during the interrogation. Christians should not be afraid of ghosts. Ghosts should be afraid of Christians. Because there is Christ in Christians, don't be afraid if a ghost knocks at the door. As long as you have Jesus in your heart, Jesus will open the door. When Jesus opened the door, the devil looked at Jesus and said, "I'm sorry, I knocked at the wrong door." True Christians are the most powerful people.
Finally, God left Satan to show that our faith in God can stand the test, and our obedience to God is not forced or blindly followed. If there is no devil, you will say, "God, of course I believe you, because there is nothing but you." God let Satan exist, let him attack you, and prove that obedience to God is true. Starting from the great sage Job, he endured the test and faithfully loved the Lord to the end, proving that people love God not because of God's reluctance, but because God gave them opportunities. Being attacked by Satan, Job didn't blame God, didn't abandon God, and didn't resist God, which shows that his relationship with God is inseparable. So if you really understand God's love and you love God, the existence of Satan will not be your threat, but your benefit, because all work together to benefit those who love God. This is the triumph of the victors, and it is also the positive expression of those who truly understand the Bible. The existence of Satan also allows you to show your relationship with God in eternity. As the Bible says, "Whether you are alive or dead, whether you are in a position, attending, being in power, being an angel, being in power, being in this life, being in the next life, being up or down, you can't separate me from God's love."