The Book of Songs is divided into three parts: style, elegance and ode. The voice of local customs says the wind, the voice of the imperial court says elegance, and the voice of the ancestral temple says praise, so the wind is the joy of various vassal States. Elegance is the real joy of Beijing, and ode is the joy of ancestral temple sacrifice. As for Daya and Xiaoya, they should be divided into music. People who are broad and quiet, people who talk nonsense, should sing "elegance". Those who are diligent and polite should sing Xiaoya.
The artistic techniques in The Book of Songs are summarized as Fu, Bi and Xing, which together with wind, elegance and ode are called six meanings. Zhu's Poetics points out that the giver speaks the truth, compares with others, and compares this with other things. Xing, say something else first, make the words sung, and explain it accordingly. Fu is the meaning of statement and elaboration, and metaphor is equivalent to the metaphor of modern rhetoric. The basic meaning of xing is to take other things as the beginning of poetry.
Contents of Six Meanings in The Book of Songs
"Wind", also known as "national wind", has 15 group, and wind is the general term of music. Have different views on you. One view is that it refers to the music directly ruled by the Zhou Dynasty, and the other view is that elegance refers to the elegant music that everyone can understand. Ode is a musical work in which nobles worship ghosts and gods in temples and praise the merits of rulers. You should play with the dance.
Fu is a thing that describes the process of a thing. Comparison is a metaphor. One thing is compared with another, and interest is linked with another. The concept of Fu Bi Xing existed as early as the Spring and Autumn Period and accumulated continuously. It was first summarized by the master and taught six poems, namely, Feng, Fu, Bi, Xing, Ya and Ode.
Reference to the above content: Baidu Encyclopedia-Six Meanings of the Book of Songs