The concubine, the prince and the grandson resigned from the downstairs hall and came to Qin. Singing at night, for Qin citizens. The stars are shining and the cosmetic mirror is on; Lv Yun came forward and combed Xiao Huan; Nutrient flow is greasy, and fat water is abandoned; The smoke is foggy and the pepper orchids are also burning. The thunder shook and the palace car passed; I don't know what I was doing when I was listening in the distance. A muscle, a capacity, extremely beautiful, standing overlooking, a face of good luck; There are still 36 years to hide. Zhao Yanzhi's collection, the rule of Han and Wei dynasties, the elite of Qi and Chu, plundered by generations, surrounded by mountains and waters; Once you can't get it, you lose it. Tinkling jade, gold nuggets and pebbles are thrown away and smashed, and Qin people regard them as the standard and do not cherish them.
Ha ha! One person's heart, ten thousand people's heart. Qin loves luxury and people are homesick. How can we use it like sand? Make the columns of negative buildings more than the farmers of nanmu; There are more rafters on the beam than working women on the plane; The phosphorus in onion is more than that in millet. The joints of ceramic tiles are uneven, more than the whole body silk; There are more vertical columns and cross sills than nine battlements; The orchestra's strings are hoarse, and they talk more than the city people. Let people all over the world dare not speak or get angry. The single husband's heart is getting more and more arrogant. The defenders shouted, the valley of letters closed, the people of Chu burned, and the poor were scorched.
Oh! Those who destroy the six countries are also six countries, not Qin; Qin is also a Qin family, not the world. Hey, honey! Make the six countries love each other, enough to refuse Qin; Let the state of Qin love the six countries again, and give it to three generations to be king forever. Who wins and who dies? Qin people feel sorry for themselves, and later people mourn for them; Later generations grieved, failed to learn from it, and let future generations mourn for future generations.