This limb, peace in the Lord!
Our God is the true God of the Trinity. Although there is no explicit provision in the Bible, we can understand it through the scriptures of the Bible.
Jesus was baptized, the son was baptized, the father spoke, and the Holy Spirit came (Matthew. 3: 13- 17, but1:9-1,Luke. 3: 2 1-22); Tao is God (about1:1-4); My father and I are one (about10: 30); If you believe in God, you should also believe in me (about14:1); People see me and see my father (about 9-11); I asked my dad, and he gave you another comforter to accompany you forever (probably 14: 16- 18). To make all nations my disciples and baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (Matthew. 28: 19-20); There are many more, which can explain the truth of "Trinity True God"!
Our God is kind and just! Jesus came to the world to die, on the one hand, to show God's righteousness-never taking the guilty as innocent; On the other hand, it shows God's love-people can't save themselves, and only the innocent son of God can accept God's fair trial and save us from sin!
The foundation of our salvation is our confidence! What the naked eye can see is not confidence; Because God is a spirit, we can feel God's existence, God's power and God's love with our hearts, because these are all written in the Bible! "Faith is the entity of what is expected and the evidence of what is not seen" (Hebrews 1 1: 1), "It turns out that we don't care about what we see, but what we don't see; Because what you see is temporary, what you don't see is eternal "(2 Cor. 4: 18).
May God shine on you. Amen!