The appearance of sheep
He picked up the lamb and walked forward. When the mother saw that her child had been taken away, she quickly followed. Xiao Ming took mother sheep and lamb to a hillside covered with tender grass. The sheep saw a big piece of fresh and tender grass and ate it happily. Xiao Ming smiled from ear to ear when he saw the sheep eating happily.
The identification of sheep appearance is of great significance in the breeding and production of mutton sheep. The appearance of mutton sheep is characterized by short and wide head, thick and short neck, developed neck muscles and fat, and round. The chest is wide, deep and round, muscular, the back and waist are flat, straight and wide, the ribs are round and fleshy, the buttocks are muscular, the hind legs are open in an inverted U shape, the limbs are short and thin, the front and rear limbs are well opened, the limbs and hooves are straight and firm, and the figure is rectangular.