It was the main center of Israeli worship in the period of judges (judges18: 31); Locals may dance in the vineyards during the gathering festival. 23: 16), and Benjamin used this day to snatch the wife of a Shiloh woman (Ex. 2 1: 19). This festival seems to be a pilgrimage festival in the future, and Samuel's parents once participated in it (1 Sam. 1: 3); When Eli and his son became priests, the sanctuary had replaced the tent of meeting in Joshua's time. 1: 9).
The Bible does not directly mention the destruction of this temple, but it is confirmed by archaeological evidence. The Bible regards Shiloh as an example of God's judgment on evil deeds (Ps. 78: 60; Jeremiah 7: 12, 14, 26: 6, 9) also coincides with the destruction of the sanctuary. However, Wang Shang11; 29. 14: 2 mentions Ahijah, a Shiloh, and Jeremiah 4 1: 5 also talks about other Shiloh; Therefore, after BC 1050, there were still residents in Shiloh, but the priests moved to Nob (sa Shang 1. 22: 1 1, see 14: 3), Shiloh is no longer a religious center.
Jews set up a tent of meeting in Shiloh for 369 years.
New Shiloh has been built for 38 years.