Article 5 1
1 G
Article 5 1
1 God, please have mercy on me according to your love! Please blot out my transgressions according to your abundant compassion!
Wash away all my sins and purify my sins!
Because I know my sins; My sin is always in front of me.
I have sinned against you, only against you; You have done this evil before your eyes, so when you rebuke me, you are righteous; When you judge me, you are upright.
I was born guilty, and I was guilty when my mother was pregnant with me.
What you love is inner honesty; You will give me wisdom in my secret place.
Purify me with hyssop, and I will be clean; Wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.
Please make me listen to the sound of joy and joy, so that all the bones you crushed can rejoice.
Hide your face from my sins and blot out all my sins.
10 God, please create a clean heart for me and restore an upright spirit in me.
1 1 Don't abandon me, let me leave your face; Don't take back your holy spirit from me.
12, please let me still be saved and give me a willing spirit to support me.
13 I will teach the transgressors your way, and the sinners will submit to you.
14 god, you are the god who saved me; Please save me from the bloody crime! My tongue will sing loudly about your righteousness.
Lord, please open my lips, and my mouth will proclaim your praise!
16 You don't like sacrifice. I'll give it to you if you like. You don't like burnt offerings.
17 the sacrifice god wants is a sad spirit; God, you won't despise a sad and regretful heart.
18 Please be kind to Zion according to your good pleasure and build the walls of Jerusalem.
19 at that time, you will love righteous sacrifices, burnt offerings and holocausts; At that time, people will offer bulls on your altar.
Repentance is one of the first fruits of my salvation. Our great teacher, in his teaching of criminals and degenerates, mentioned his ability to give life through grace, and said that through this grace, both men and women can live a holy new life. Anyone who lives this new life must act according to the principles of heaven. Instructed by God, he led others to the right path. He won't lead a cripple down an uncertain path. Throughout his life, the work of the Holy Spirit showed that he was a part of God's nature. Therefore, every creature with the spirit of Christ working on it will be provided with such a rich supply of grace. When unbelievers see his good deeds, they will admit that he is controlled, supported and led by God's power to glorify God.
Repentance of sin is the first fruit of the holy spirit's work in life. This is the only process in which infinite purity reflects the image of Christ to his savior. All abundance dwells in Jesus. It is worthless to study in discord with him. He taught us that knowing our Lord Jesus Christ is the most precious thing, so everything is harmful. This kind of knowledge is the deepest knowledge that people can acquire.