The spirit of loving the Lord in spiritual life

(After reading the affectionate chapter of faith)

1. The spirit of loving the Lord is based on the new life of life

? Only new life can feel God’s sincere love for people , only new life can have a heart that is happy because of God, and only new life can have a lasting and unchanging spirit of loving God, which can become the driving force to inspire life to be more holy and move forward.

Do you not know that those of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? Therefore we were buried with Him by baptism into death, in order that we might walk in newness of life, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father. For if we have been united with him in the likeness of his death, we shall also be united with him in the likeness of his resurrection: Knowing that our old man was crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that we should no longer serve sin; For those who have died are freed from sin. (Romans 6:3-7 KJV)

For while we were in the flesh, the evil desires that were born of the law were working in our members, producing the fruit of death. But since we died to the law that bound us, we are now free from the law, so that we may serve the Lord according to the newness of spirit (spirit: or translated as the Holy Spirit) and not according to the old way of ritual. (Romans 7:5-6 Union Version)

The spirit of loving the Lord is based on the annihilation of the sinful body and living a new life away from sin. Paul was exactly the person who lived in this spirit of loving the Lord.

2. The spirit of loving the Lord should be like that of a child who is attached to his father.

This allows us to see that Paul developed a special kind of respect for the Lord and regarded the Lord as The grace of God lives in it as a spirit of love. He calls this spirit the spirit of the child, which means that a child lives in the arms of his father and is in a dynamic activity. Because only such inseparable love, strong love, can prove that we are children, and we are children who cannot live without our father. Only this can drive out the fear of sin from our hearts and generally free us from the spirit of slavery. It is this spirit of childlike, evangelical, humble love for God that clearly proves that our souls are related to God as children are to their father. Therefore, the child within us can cry, "Abba, Father."

Romans 8:15 For you have not received the spirit of slavery into fear; you have received the spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, “Abba, Father!”

? Gal 4:6 Because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into your (original text "our") hearts, crying, "Abba, Father!"

? 3. Love the Lord The spirit must have a new creation life to live out

Paul said, "God will bear witness to our spirit." Our spirit refers to our spirit, and the supervision of God’s Spirit is also called the human spirit.

For "the spirit of man is the lamp of the Lord, searching the inmost heart." (Proverbs, 20:27)

God monitors whether we have become a spiritual person and whether we have a new creation life to live out.

? Put off your old self, which is your old self, which is getting worse through the deceitfulness of lusts; be renewed in the mindset of your minds, and put on the new self; Created in the image of God, with truth, righteousness and holiness. (Ephesians 4:22-24 Union Version)

? Because of the new creation of life, the spirit of loving the Lord is born within and lasts forever.

4. The spirit of loving the Lord in spiritual life must have lasting proof of living in the light

We also see the proof of our spirit:

What we What we boast is our own conscience, which testifies that we live in the holiness and truth of God, not by human wisdom but by the grace of God, especially to you. (2 Corinthians 1:12 Union Version)

There are two spirits within people,

? One is the spirit of love in darkness;

< p> ? The other is the spirit of love in the light.

? If you love the light, come in the light

? When the light comes into the world, people do not love the light but love darkness because their deeds are evil. This is their sin. Here. Everyone who does evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds be rebuked. But whoever does the truth comes to the light, so that it may be revealed that his deeds are done in God. ” (John 3:19-21 Union Version)

When the apostle Paul talked about the Spirit of God certifying our spirit, he said that there is only one spirit of love for God, and that is the spirit of walking in the light; He said that there are two spirits, that is, light and darkness are separate, incompatible, and independent. It is through the opposition of light and darkness that we get another proof.

6. The spirit of spiritual love for the Lord must be the spirit of persistent pursuit of life growth

God’s Holy Spirit injects and spreads the spirit of love for God into our hearts, just like a baby’s love for milk:


? 1 Peter 2:1 Therefore, putting aside all malice and deceit and hypocrisy, envy and all slander, 1 Peter 2:2 love a pure spirit Milk, as newborn babies long for milk, so that by it you may grow to salvation.

Therefore, a person who loves the Lord must have a life of loving the Lord. Persistence with this kind of persistence will achieve the spirit of loving the Lord:

Jude 1:20 Dear brothers, you are Build yourself up in the most holy faith, pray in the Holy Spirit, Jude 1:21, and keep yourself in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto everlasting life.

7. The spirit of spiritual love for the Lord must realize that God loves us first, and we love Him only after being attracted by the Lord’s love

In fact, the spirit of our love for the Lord It does not come from ourselves, but because God first loved us:

1 John 4:10 It is not that we loved God, but God loved us and sent his Son to be the atonement for our sins Sacrifice, this is love. 1 John 4:11 Dear brothers, since God has so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 1 John 4:12 No one has ever seen God. If we love one another, God lives in us, and our love for Him is perfected in us.

? In life, we have many wrong, empty, and still turbulent emotions. It is because we do not have spiritual life, do not have the spirit of loving the Lord enough, and the darkness within has not yet gone away. Many wrong thoughts brought by myself.

It leaves many souls in a perpetual state of restlessness, which would be very terrible. Therefore, we should have a correct understanding of God, a spiritual life that comes from God, and a spirit of love for the Lord that walks in the light.