Jabez's prayer

Jacobis was more honorable than his brother, and his mother named him Jabez, saying, I was in great pain when I gave birth to him. Jabez implored the God of Israel, saying, "I wish you would bless me, expand my territory, and always be with me to protect me from trouble and hardship." God answered his request. (Chronicles 4:9- 10 and this edition)

Jabez's prayer can be said to be the prayer of chroniclers, and it is also one of the themes of chronicles. This prayer is interspersed throughout the family tree. I have the following observations about this prayer:

First of all, I am very willing to pray. Prayers should have deep trust in the only Lord God. When praying, there will be strength.

Second, stay with me forever. Jabez also prayed that God would be with him forever. This reminds me once again that my prayer has not been urgently prayed to God for a long time. It has always been with me, in the gospel of my rest, and then I began to put on my own prayer.

Finally, freedom from sin and pain. Jabez's name means pain. He was born in dystocia, and I believe that Jabez's growth has also experienced pains. He is a man who prays diligently. This is a noble man.

When Christ was born, Simeon also told Maria that she would experience pain, because Christ was born for the glory of suffering. Therefore, our pain has been replaced, so our pain Cai has been comforted.