The title of the seven archangels

1: fighting angel-Micael Michael

Title: Like a God. Like a ghost

Title: Supreme Commander of the Angel Corps

Symbol: drawn sword and balance

2. Miracle Angel-Gabriel

Title: God is power, the power of God.

Title: the left side of the throne

Symbol: Lily

3. Academic Angel-Raphael

Title: Know God

Title: Cure

Symbol: Sword of Fire 4: fallen angels-Lucifer.

Title: Shining like a God, the brightest star (before falling)

Title: In front of God's seat

A weapon (scepter) symbolizing "Almighty"

5: Julie's uriel

Title: God's Justice

Title: regularity

Symbol: Key to the Moon, Piano of the Stars 6: Defending Angel-Kamael Kamal.

Title: The Power of God

Title: regularity

Symbols: sword and crescent bow and arrow

7. Angel of Energy-Chadesiel Chadesiel

Title: The face of God

Title: Freedom

Symbol: omnipotent scepter