Question 1: In
Question 2: Local
Question 3: Which one?
Question 4: Anyw
Question 1: In
Question 2: Local
Question 3: Which one?
Question 4: Anyway.
Question 5:it
Question 6: When?
Question 7: Dating
Question 8: Support
Question 9: Celebration
Question 10: An
Analysis of test questions: Main idea of the article: This paper introduces robert burns, the most famous Scottish poet.
Question 1: Yes. This topic examines prepositions in a traditional way. 1783, he began to write poems in the traditional style of Scots who used Ayrshire dialect.
Question 2: Local. Modify the verb receive with adverbs. These poems are widely accepted by local people.
Question 3: Which one? The antecedent in the sentence is poems, and it is the subject in the non-restrictive attributive clause, so the relative word is used. Above all, poetry made him famous in Scotland overnight.
Question 4: Anyway. Investigate conjunctions. Here are the turning points and separated by commas, so use how and pay attention to the capitalization of the first letter. However, his fame is not accompanied by money.
Question 5: it. Check pronouns. Here is the formal object, and the real object is the infinitive of returning to farming. He found it necessary to go back to the farm.
Question 6: When? Investigate conjunctions. When and when ... When he found it meaningless to work on the farm, he joined the government 1789.
Question 7: dating. The phrase "date back to" can be traced back to and used as an attribute in a sentence, so the present participle is used. This goes back to his childhood, which is caused by the hard working conditions on the farm.
Question 8: To support. The infinitive is used here to express the purpose. Money began to pour in from all over Scotland to support his widow and children.
Question 9: It's a celebration. According to the Burns Club around the world, we can use the passive voice today, and the whole world is commemorating him.
Question 10: security review. Since official begins with a vowel, the indefinite article an is used. His birthday is the unofficial "National Day" of Scotland and its descendants.