Jeremiah: The days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah. Not like the covenant I made with their fathers when I took them by the hand and brought them out of the land of Egypt. Although I am their husband, they broke my promise. This is what the Lord says ... "
In the Bible, in every era, God will choose a shepherd who suits his heart and make a Covenant with God's people.
About 6000 years ago, God made a contract with Adam and Eve. The content of this agreement is about the fruit of the tree of life and the fruit of the tree of good and evil (Gen. 2: 9; Gen 3:22)
But Adam and Eve fell in love with snakes, turned their backs on God, ate the fruits of good and evil, and were finally driven out of the Garden of Eden (Gen. 3). Later, God destroyed the sinful Adam world with a flood (Gen. 7). Although God made another Covenant with Noah's world, Noah's son Ham made the same mistake again, and his son was also implicated and cursed together (Gen. 9: 18-27). The Canaanite world, the descendants of Ham, was also destroyed. After Noah, God made a covenant with Abraham (Chapter 15). After four generations until Moses, these agreements were realized (for example. 12), and at the same time God made a new covenant with them (for example. 19: 1-6). God ordered Joshua and the children of Israel to destroy the seven Canaanites after they were in the land of Canaan. Not only that, but God also agreed with them about the future (Book 24). The content of the agreement is: there can be no other gods except God. But Solomon (1 Sam. 12:24), the son of David, born of a foreign woman, built and served foreign gods. In the end, like Adam, he disobeyed God's will (He 6:7), which led to the destruction of all Israel (1 Kings 1 1).
God told all this to the prophet Jeremiah, and God made a covenant with him (Jeremiah 3 1:3 1-32). About 600 years later, God came to Jesus, his beloved son, and through him, he fulfilled the Covenant and established the New Testament (Reference Road 22: 1-30).
Of the two vines mentioned in the Bible, the real vine is Jesus (about 15: 1-8). The new Covenant made on Passover night was made with the blood and flesh of Jesus. This promise says that only by eating the blood and flesh of Jesus can you get eternal life. That is to say, only by eating the fruit of this true vine can you have eternal life (refer to Chapter 6). In other words, the blood and flesh of Jesus being eaten refers to the words that can be eaten again when the kingdom of God comes, that is, the true words spoken by Jesus. God is the Tao (about 1: 1-4), so the son born of the true Tao is also the Tao (refer to about 1: 1-3). Jesus took the sin of the world and left this world, so people can't get the blood and flesh of Jesus, that is, the word of Jesus. When Jesus comes again, people will get this truth (Matt. 26: 29; Luke 22: 16- 18, see 10 version).
So when and where can I eat the blood of this new testament?