The ancients said, "He who has no long-term worries must have near worries." Friend, is there anyone or something in your life that worries you? I think everyone has it more or less. ""Is anxiety innate? "I don't think so because we often describe children as carefree. This tells us that anxiety is not innate, but arises in life as a person grows up slowly. Are you worried? Of course not. Then what are you worried about? Do you want to overcome your worries? Yesterday was Sunday, and the theme shared by the preacher was "Don't worry about your life because of faith". This theme comes from Matthew 6: 25-34 in the Bible.
Missionaries share in three aspects:
(1) Inspire us to live a confident life with the life of birds.
"So I tell you, don't worry about what to eat or drink for your life; Worried about what to wear. Is life better than food? Is health better than clothes? Look at the birds in the sky. They don't sow, gather or store in barns. Your heavenly father feeds them. Aren't you much more valuable than a bird? (Matthew 6:25-26)
(2) Enlighten us to live a contented life with the growth of lily.
Which one of you can add a moment to your life by thinking? Why worry about clothes? How do you want the lilies in the field to grow? It's neither hard nor spinning. I tell you, even in his heyday, Solomon didn't dress like this flower! You unbelievers! The grass in the field is still there today and will be thrown into the stove tomorrow. God has given it such decoration, let alone you! (Matthew 6:27-30)
(3) Compare our spiritual life with what the Gentiles demand.
So, don't worry, what to eat? What to drink? What to wear? This is what foreigners want. Your heavenly father knows all these things you need. Seek his kingdom and his righteousness first, and all these things will be added to you. (Matthew 6:3 1-33 NIV)
Dear readers, I wonder if you have analyzed your concerns? After careful analysis, you will find that most of the worries are unnecessary. People are upset because of the great pressure of living, working and getting along with others, which is beyond our own ability, because the world doesn't run according to our thoughts and meanings.
Some people say that life has three burdens, yesterday, today and tomorrow. If a person carries all three burdens, even the strongest person can't bear it. There are many restrictions on people living in the world. We can't advance tomorrow's grace, but we have to bear tomorrow's burden in advance today. Some people define anxiety as an unhealthy and destructive psychological habit. The habit of worrying seems as natural as breathing and as harmless as blinking, but it has a powerful destructive power and unknowingly steals the peace, time, mental strength and physical and mental health of the worried person.
Hagar is just a nobody among biblical figures, but her experience of God in life is a great comfort and encouragement to everyone today. God not only looks after and cares about big people and important people, but also looks after little people in life. So, my friends, don't think that God is above and away from the crowd. In fact, God is among us. He is willing to associate with you. He wants to protect you and take care of you.