Believe in God, what sect is it?
Satisfied answer с hampa II 2008-07- 15 Christianity: Christianity is a religion that believes in Jesus Christ as its savior. Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, Orthodox Church, Christian Maronites, etc. They are all called Christianity-in Chinese, "Christianity" often refers to Protestantism (also commonly known as "Jesus"), and the three major sects (Catholicism, Orthodox Church and Protestantism) and Christian Maronites are collectively called "Christianity". Christian doctrine: God: Christianity believes in the trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God is a trinity-the father is the creator and the son is Christ Jesus who came to the world from the beginning. The holy spirit is sent by the father to run in all things, and it is also sent by the father and the son to run in the church. But these three are still the same god, not three gods-three people and one body, referred to as the trinity. Creation: Christianity believes that God created everything in the universe (time and space), including human ancestors. Sin: In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve disobeyed God's command out of love and stole the forbidden fruit, trying to get rid of the creator and gain their own wisdom. Since then, they have been cut off from the source of God's life, leading to the death of evil and the devil, and birth, old age, illness and death are the inevitable outcome. After the world is the offspring of two people, it is inevitable to commit the same crime and embark on the road of extinction. Redemption: The hope of life lies in believing in Jesus Christ. Because of his atonement on the cross and his resurrection from the dead three days later, those who repent and believe in him will be forgiven all their sins and get eternal life beyond the devil and death. Soul and immortality: man has a soul and is judged according to his actions after death. Those who believe in Christ before their death can enter eternal life only by Christ. Those incorrigible people will be justly punished and perish. The world will end in destruction, but in the new heaven and new earth created by God, it will last forever. Catholicism: The core of Catholic belief life is seven sacraments, namely, baptism sacrament, strengthening sacrament, mending sacrament, Eucharist (Mass), marriage sacrament, hierarchical sacrament and anointing patients. Among them, quality is the most important. In daily life, chanting is also a common activity of Catholic believers. Most of these verses are arranged prayers of important verses, such as God's Bible, Apostle's Bible, Rose Book and so on. Orthodox Church: The theology of Orthodox Church and the interpretation of scripture are examples handed down from the early days of the rise of Christianity. All their efforts are to continue and expand the theology and beliefs that Christ passed on to his original apostles and apostles and to early church monks. In a sense, the Orthodox Church is the most conservative Christian sect. Protestantism: Protestantism has different doctrines from Catholicism and Orthodoxy, such as: emphasizing "justification by faith", that is, justification does not require any good deeds, but only cares about faith; Everyone can be a priest, because I, 2 Peter 2:9, "Only you are a chosen race, a noble priest, a holy country and a people of God, so that you can proclaim the virtue of him who called you out of darkness into wonderful light"; Only the Bible is the supreme authority, and only baptism and communion are recognized as sacraments, which is completely different from the tradition of Catholic and Orthodox Church attaching importance to sacraments.