poetic sentiment
Hours of prayer, 1899
Life and Poetry Leben Undlier (1894) Sacrifice to Laren Opfer (1895) Traumgekr &; OumlNt( 1897) arrives at Advent Day (1898), bless me, Mir Zul Fir (1909) and be Das Stunden-Buch & ouml;; Chinschen Leben (1899) Pilger's Book Dasbuch von der Pilgerschaft (1901) Poverty and Death Dasbuch von der Armut und Vomtode (1903) Picture Das Buch der Bi. lder(4 Teile, 1902-1906) Neue geichte (1907) continued to write a new poem, Der Neue geichte and Ererteil (1908) Requiem (1908) The Life of the Virgin, Dasmarien. Kloc-0/2)Douineau's elegy Duiseneser Elegienouml Sischer S Placci Orchard Church (1926) Sonnets for Valais (1926) Rose Les Roses( 1927) Window Les Fené tres (/Kloc-)
1899 Prague Story II Zwei praeger Geschichten (Digitale Rekonstruktion: Ubbielefeld) finally died Letzten( 1902) Song of Love and Death, cavalry flag bearer Christopher Rilke. D Tod des Cornets Christoph Rilke (first edition 1904, revised1906) Die aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Bridge (Rome, 19 10) 1923 "Sonnets to orpheus"
Collection of published letters
The most important published letters are: six volumes of letters by Ruth Cybertron Rilke and Carcy Leipzig, two volumes of letters from 1936 to 1939, and two volumes of letters from the Rilke Research Association,1950 (reprinted in1987).
Translated works
Larenopfer, German-English bilingual edition and commentary, translated by Alfred de Zayas, published by Red Hen Publishing Company in Los Angeles in 2005.
Selected Works of Rilke: C.F. McIntyre, University of California, Berkeley, 1940.
Rilke's Translation —— Picture Scroll: Published by Edward Si Nuo new york Beidian Bookstore 199 1.
Best Rilke translation: Alter Arndt university of new england magazine Hanover 1984.
Translation of Selected Works of Lai Na Maria Rilke: robert bly, published by Harboro Publishing Company of new york 198 1.