The word "Chang 'an Looking Back" in the first sentence of Guo Huaqing Palace is extremely important. People who interpret this poem either avoid talking about it, or say that the author has "passed by" Huaqing, entered Chang 'an, and then turned back. In fact, this is conceived from the aspect of "riding the dust". At that time, Chang 'an was the capital, Ming Chengzu was busy in the capital, and his concubine was staying in the capital, so the people who flew litchi went straight to Chang 'an, while Ming Chengzu and the imperial concubine were having fun in Lishan! This is the scene of "Chang 'an looking back and embroidering in the pile". During the reign of Emperor Ming of the Tang Dynasty, Mount Li was planted with cotton embroidery-like flowers and trees, so it was called Xiuling. Write the general appearance of Mount Li in the distance vividly with "embroidered piles". The second sentence is "pile embroidery" to write about the building of Huaqing Palace in Lishan Mountain. At this time, "one ride" is close to Mount Li, only to see "a thousand times at the top of the mountain"; People on the mountain have seen the "world of mortals" flying and "one ride" coming, so they opened the "thousands of doors on the peak" for the second time. As a result, there was a dramatic scene of "laughing at the world of mortals". On the one hand, it is a high-speed day and night gallop that rolls up the "world of mortals", bringing litchi "a journey", sweating like rain and suffering; On the other hand, the imperial concubine got fresh litchi. She smiled and was overjoyed. In contrast, it contains a silent condemnation of luxury life.
This poem sees the big from the small, and expresses the poet's deep thinking on the rise and fall of history from the perspective of Gong Lizhi.
This poem expresses implicit, alert and ironic views.
This poem is implicit and profound. The poet did not say that Xuanzong was dissolute and lustful, and Yang Guifei was arrogant and domineering, but he compared "riding the world of mortals" with "laughing at concubines", which had far-reaching influence. Galloping in the world of mortals implies the blood and sweat of countless post-men and the smiles of countless war horses and dead princesses. "Behind it, the feudal rulers showed no sympathy for the people's power and pulled the people out of the quagmire for their own selfish desires. This can't help but remind people of the historical lesson of laughing for Bo concubines and being princes in the Spring and Autumn Period." No one knows "thought-provoking". In fact, "litchi is coming" is not unknown, at least "Qi" and "concubine" know, and the emperor knows more. This further pointed out that the emperor made an extremely absurd move to please his concubine.