In terms of literature, Emperor Chang of the Sui Dynasty can be said to have some literary talent. He visited the Qimin Khan's tent in the north and wrote a poem: "When Huhan Dunsang arrives, he slaughters luxury goods one after another. How can he be like the emperor of the Han Dynasty, standing alone in the sky." In the twelfth year of Daye (616), Emperor Chang visited Jiangdu. He wrote a poem to other people in the palace: "I dreamed of good things in Jiang, and it was an accident that I conquered Liao." This shows his talent as a writer. He was always conceited about his talent and learning, looked down upon the world's literati, and did not want them to be above him. He once said to his courtiers: "Everyone in the world says that I have become the emperor by virtue of my hereditary inheritance. If I were selected equally with the scholar-bureaucrats, I should also be the emperor."