Wang Mian, Zhuji. When he was seven or eight years old, his father ordered the cattle to go to the school, stole into the school, and listened to the students recite books; Listen to yourself and learn from your memory. Forget the cow at dusk. Or bring a cow to blame (xi, trample) the field, the father is angry and scolds it. It's as good as ever. Mother said, "My son is so stupid that he won't listen to what he does?" Because the crown goes, it depends on the monk temple to live.
dive out and sit on the Buddha's lap at night, show the ever-burning lamp and read it. There are many earth figures in the Buddha statue, which are hideous and horrible, and the crown of children is tranquil (if not seen. Anyang's Han nationality was different and recorded as a disciple. Learn, then become a Confucian scholar. (Collection of Song Xueshi)
Wang Mian is from Zhuji County. When he was seven or eight years old, his father told him to herd cattle on the ridge, and he secretly ran into the school to listen to the students. After listening, I always remember it silently. When he came home in the evening, he forgot all the cattle he was grazing. There is always someone holding their own cow to blame it for trampling on the fields. Wang Mian's father was furious and beat Wang Mian.
after that, he is still like this. His mother said, "The child is so fascinated by reading, why not let him?" Wang Mian left home and stayed in a temple. At night, he came out secretly and sat on the Buddha's knee, reading with a book in his hand by the light of the ever-burning lamp in front of the Buddha, and the sound of the book read until dawn.
Most of the Buddha statues are clay sculptures, each with a ferocious face, which is frightening. Child as Wang Mian is, he looks as if he didn't see it. When Han Xing of Anyang heard about it, he felt that he was different, so he was accepted as a student and became a well-read Confucian scholar.
expanded information
Wang Mian's experience
Wang Mian (1287-1359) was a famous painter and poet in the Yuan Dynasty, with the character stamp, the name boiled stone mountain farmer, cowherd, Huiji Waishi, plum blossom owner and so on. Zhuji, Zhejiang. Born in a farmer's family, he was young and herded cattle, and his family was poor, but he was eager to learn and tireless in reading. I often go to the temple to study under the ever-burning lamp, and my knowledge is getting deeper and deeper. His studious spirit touched Han Xing, a scholar in Huiji at that time. Han accepted him as a student and < P > taught him to read and draw. In his youth, Wang Mian was once keen on fame, but he failed to get into the Jinshi exam. So he was full of anger and depression, burned his articles, wandered the Jianghu and never learned anything. He has been to Hangzhou and Jinling, crossed the Yangtze River and Huaihe River, passed through Xuzhou and Jinan to Dadu (now Beijing) and reached Juyongguan.
Traveling thousands of miles has broadened his horizons and broadened his mind, and at the same time, he has a clearer understanding of social reality and the ruling class. In Beijing, Taibuhua recommended to teach in the Academy. He had a premonition that the Yuan regime was in a precarious situation, but he did not accept it. Instead, he returned to the south alone and made a living by selling paintings.
Reference source: Baidu Encyclopedia-Studying in Wang Mian