The ancients were born in March and added their names, so they were young; There is a way to be a father at the age of 20, and friends and other classes can't call them by their first names, so they are crowned with words, so there is a saying that "teenagers are crowned with words." The first name is used for official documents. When an elder is called a junior, you can call him by his first name. Between peers, you can't call them by their first names, only by their first names. For example, Du Fu was called Zi Mei by his colleagues, not Du Fu.
But people in the Tang dynasty didn't even use Chinese characters, and most acquaintances were called ranking. The ranking is counted from his grandfather, so the "Senior Three Fifteen" in Answer to Senior Three Fifteen and Ask for Leave Eleven is not his father's 35th son, but his grandfather's 35th grandson. For example, my grandfather has three sons. No matter which son, Mr. Wang's grandson is the boss, ranking second and third. Later readers often don't know whose big poem this "Senior Three Fifteen" is-Gao Shi.
In order to find out the names of the poets in Tang poetry, the historian Cen wrote A Journey to the Tang Dynasty, and investigated most of the names used in Tang poetry.
Therefore, famous poets in the Tang Dynasty all have their own names, such as Li Bai, Du Fu, Wang Wei, Meng Haoran, Meng Liu, Han Yu, Bai Juyi, Bai Twenty-two, Yuan Zhen, Li Shangyin and Du Mu. ...
Knowing the names of poets' poems can not only help us to interpret poems and feel the cordial and profound friendship between poets, but also let us know the social atmosphere of opening up and opening up in Tang Dynasty. Therefore, the cultural phenomenon of ranking in Tang poetry really needs attention.