God I trust you

The Ridiculous Christian View of Heaven and Earth

Do you believe that the sky can separate the upper and lower water like a pot lid? Just like Nuwa in ancient Chinese mythology who made stones to mend the sky. It is hard. In the Christian faith, the firmament is like a hard lid.

Job 37:18? How can you spread the firmament with God? (The Greek root of firma is thin metal plate!) And the firmament of this sky is as hard as a cast mirror.

Proverbs 8:28? The one above makes the firmament of the firmament firm, and the one below makes the foundation stable.

(Note: See, the sky is actually firm)

Job 37:21 Now there is a cloud covering the sky, so that no one can see the light of the firmament; but the wind blows, and the sky becomes clear again. (Note: The firm sky is actually bright)

Psalm 104:2? Put on light like a robe, spread out the firmament of the sky like a curtain,

Isaiah 42 :5?Create the heavens, spread out the firmament of the firmament, spread out the earth and what comes from the earth

. (Note: The hard sky is actually spread out like a thin curtain)

Old TestamentAnd?God?said,?Let?there?be?a?firmament?in?the?midst?of? the?waters,?and?let?it?divide?the?waters?from?the?waters

Genesis 1:6? God said: Let there be a firmament between the waters (Note: Some churches To deceive the public, firmament is translated as air), and water is divided into upper and lower.

Genesis 1:7? God created the firmament and separated the water below the firmament from the water above the firmament. that's how it's done.

Genesis 1:8? God called the firmament heaven. There was evening and there was morning, which was the second day?

Ezekiel 1:22; Above the heads of the living creatures was the image of the firmament, which looked like awesome crystal spread out over the heads of the living creatures. above. (This article refers to the firmament as crystal)

Genesis 1:17? Then he arranged these lights in the firmament of the sky to shine on the earth (Note: Arrange the shining stars on the lid of the pot)

Do you believe that the heavens will be rolled up like a scroll?

Isaiah 34:4? All the host of the heavens will disappear; the heavens will be rolled up like a scroll. And all its features will fall away, like the leaves of the vine and the leaves of the fig tree.

Do you believe that the earth has pillars?

1 Samuel 2:8? The pillars of the earth belong to the Lord; He established the world on them.

Job 9:6? He causes the earth to tremble out of its place, and its pillars are shaken.

Psalm 75:3? The earth and its inhabitants are consumed; I have set up its pillars

Note; Christian scripture Job 26:7

English Job26:7?He?stretcheth?out?the?north?over?the?empty?place,?and?hangeth?the?earth?upon?nothing. Christianity is: "God spread the North Pole in the sky, "Hang the earth in the void" But there is a problem with the translation of the sentence "hang the earth in the void" because Christianity believes that the earth has pillars, so hangeth?the?earth?upon?nothing means that the earth does not need to be hung! Not hanging in the void!

Do you believe that there is a skylight in the sky?

Genesis 8:2? The source and the windows in heaven were shut up, and the heavy rain in the sky stopped.

Do you think there are snow storehouses and hail storehouses in heaven?

Job 38:22? Have you ever entered a snow storehouse or seen a hail storehouse?

Do you think the earth is four-sided and has four corners?

Revelation 7:1? After that, I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, controlling the winds in the four directions of the earth, so that the winds would not blow. Blows on the earth, on the sea, and on the trees.