Who killed the robin?
Me, said the sparrow,
With my bow and arrow,
I killed a robin.
Who killed the robin?
I, said the swallow,
With my bow and arrow,
I killed a robin.
Who saw him die?
I, said the fly,
With my little eyes,
I saw him die.
Who witnessed his death?
I, said the fly,
With my little eyes,
I saw him die.
Who took his blood?
I, the fish said,
With my little plate,
I got his blood.
Who took his blood?
I, the fish said,
With my little plate,
I took his blood.
Who will make his shroud?
I, Baertl said,
With my thread and needle,
I'll make the shroud.
Who will make his mourning clothes?
I, said the beetle,
With my thread and needle,
I'll make his mourning clothes.
Who will dig his grave?
I, said the owl,
With my pick and shovel,
I will dig his grave.
Who will dig his grave?
I, said the owl,
Use my hoe and shovel.
I will dig his grave.
Who is the priest?
I, said the white-billed crow,
With my little notebook,
I will be a priest.
Who will preach for him?
I, said the crow,
With my brochure,
I will preach for him.
Who will be the clerk?
The lark said, it's me,
If it wasn't in the dark,
I will be a clerk.
Who will write history for him?
The lark said, it's me,
If it wasn't in the dark,
I will write history for him.
Who will send the link?
Cardinal said, it's me,
I'll get it right away,
I'll take the link.
Who will hold the torch?
I, the cardinal said,
I'll bring it right away,
I'll hold the torch.
Who will be the main mourners?
I, said the pigeon,
I mourn my love,
I will be the priest.
Who will be the mourners?
I, said the pigeon,
I came to mourn my lover,
I will be a mourner.
Who will carry the coffin?
Me, said the kite,
If we don't make it through the night,
I'll carry the coffin
Who will carry the coffin?
Me, Kate said.
If you don't have to make it through the night,
I'll carry the coffin
Who will bear the coffin?
The wren said, we,
Rooster and hen,
We will bear the coffin cover.
Who will pull the coffin lid?
The wren said, we,
The couple are together,
Let's pull the coffin lid.
Who will sing the hymn?
I, said the thrush,
When she sat on the bush,
I want to sing a hymn.
Who will sing the hymn?
I, said the thrush,
She sat on the bush,
I will sing a hymn.
Who will ring the bell?
I, said the bull,
Because I can pull,
I will ring the death knell.
Who will ring the death knell?
Me, said the cow,
Because I can pull,
I will ring the bell.
All the birds in the air
Lost in sighs and cries,
When they heard the death knell ring
Poor robin.
All the birds in the air
Sigh and sadness
When they heard the death knell ring
For poor Robin.