Ask .......... urgently about the golden sentences in the Bible! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

"If you give it to others, others will give it to you. You pour a bucket full into your arms, shake it, press it, and the top is pointed and the bottom flows; For with what measure you measure, it will be measured to you. "[Luke 6:38]" Don't store up treasures for yourself on the earth; Worms on the ground rust, and thieves dig holes to steal things. As long as the treasure is piled up in the sky; There are no bugs, no rust, and no thieves digging holes to steal things. Because your treasure is there and your heart is there. " [Matthew 6: 19-2 1] "If you have the ability to do good, don't refuse, but do it to those who deserve it. [Proverbs 3:27] "Some people give alms, but they add more; Too stingy people will lead to poverty. 【 Proverbs 1 1:24 】 "He who gives alms will be rich; Whoever moistens people will be moistened. [Prov 1 1:25] "He who has mercy on the poor lends it to the Lord; God will repay his good deeds. [Proverbs 19: 17] You crown your years with grace; Your road is full of fat. 【 Psalm 65: 1 1 】 Sixty-five poems can be regarded as a poem of gratitude and praise, and the whole poem is full of joyful tones. You take grace as the crown of the year: the crown represents glory, and the year is the length of life; If we visualize life and treat it as a box, the length of the box is time, the width is experience, and the height is meaning. When the author looked back on his life, he found that his life was full of God's grace, which made his life dazzling and made him brag. Your road is full of fat: in the Old Testament, fat had many useful uses. Fatty oil is edible and medicinal, and can also be used to light a lamp or make soap, which are all necessities of life. Therefore, fat oil can be compared to God's abundant supply. Indeed, the Lord God is the shepherd of our life, and we will never want it, because the road of life is full of his abundant supply. Psalm 65 [1] (a poem by David, dedicated to the music director. All the people of Zion are waiting to praise you, O God. I will repay your oath. [2] O Lord who hears prayer, all flesh will come to you. [3] Sin conquered me; As for our sins, you should forgive them. [4] Blessed is the man whom you have chosen to bring near to you and live in your courtyard! We will be satisfied with the goodness of your residence and your temple. O God of our salvation, you will answer us with majesty and righteousness. You are the trust of all people at the ends of the earth and far from the ocean. [6] He girded his loins with great power, and he calmed the mountains with his strength, so that the noise of the sea, the noise of its waves and the noise of all the people were calmed. [8] People who live at the ends of the earth are afraid of your miracles; You make the sunrise and sunset cheer. [9] You care for the land, rain and make it fertile. God's river is full of water; You water the land in this way to prepare food for people. [10] You got wet in the furrows, smoothed the ridges, and showered to make the ground soft. Those with long hair are all blessed by you. You crowned your years with elegance; All your roads are dripping with fat, [12] dripping on the grass in the wilderness. The mountains are surrounded by joy; The pasture is covered with sheep's coat; The valley is also full of grain. All this cheering and singing.

Reference: tko Campus /~ tko-WTC/ Faith _ Journey/Gold _ Poetry

Evilbible's thrilling bible truthbible basic edition F.A.Q. cfaq bible. Religion. Lies The Truth blog.voc/sp1/Along Festival Network The naked pagan emperor debunked Cygnus.

The new interpretation/forwarding of love L- stands for "listening" and "listening". Love is listening to each other's needs unconditionally and without prejudice. O- stands for "look" and "forgive". Love is kindness, forgive each other's shortcomings and mistakes and find out each other's advantages and disadvantages. V- stands for "voice" and "sound". Love means always expressing appreciation and gratitude, sincere encouragement and sweet praise. E- stands for "hard work" and "hard work". Love needs constant efforts and more time to irrigate the fertile soil that belongs to love. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * This is a very good article. We think this is a negative thing, but God has a positive response. You will say, "This is impossible." But God said, "Anything is possible. (Road 18:27) You said, "I'm so tired. "God said," I will give you a rest. You said, "Nobody really cares about me." God said, "I love you. (about 3:16; About 13:34) You said, "I can't support it anymore. "God said," My grace is enough for you. (Houlin12: 9; 9 1: 15) You said, "There are many things I can't solve." God said, "I will show you the way." (Proverbs 3:5-6) You said, "I can't do it. God said, "You can do anything." (Phil. 4: 13) You said, "I can't." God said, "I can. (2 after the forest. 9:8) You said, "I can't forgive myself. "God said," I forgive you. (about1:9; Sea fish of Sparidae 8: 1) You said, "I can't handle it." God said, "I will give you whatever you need." (Phil. 4:9) You said, "I'm afraid." God said, "I didn't give you a timid heart." (2 Tim. 1:7) You said, "I am often worried and depressed. God said, "Throw all your troubles to me. (Peter 1. 5:7) You said, "I don't have enough confidence. God said, "I measured my faith in everyone." (Luo 12:3) You said, "I'm not smart enough. "God said," I will give you wisdom. (before forest 1. 1:30) You said, "I feel very lonely." God said, "I will never leave you or abandon you." (Come 13:5) Please circulate it, maybe someone needs it today! This is a good article, whether you are a Christian or not, it is worth reading! We think this is a negative thing, but God has a positive response. Please circulate it, maybe someone needs it today! ~ thank god ~

I don't know what you want to encourage them, so I send my favorite scripture, 1 John 4: 19. We love because God loves us first. This actually reminds us to love those people, and our motivation comes from God's love for us first. I think it's good for god students and conductors ~

Reference: Hong Kong Olympic Committee