These women need to make sure that they can't have children before they become female officials. The best way is to remove the uterus, but because of the underdeveloped medical care at that time, the most common way is to directly hit your abdomen with a stick and drink some medicine. Some women die if they can't live any longer, which is the first step to get ahead. Later, because of their outstanding ability, they were reused by the court, and many people fawned on female officials. However, in those days, being unable to have children was looked down upon. Even if people used to have money, there are still people gossiping behind them.
These female officials are like eunuchs. They also held power, mainly wandering between the harem and the imperial court. Many times, in order to know something about the king, the princess will ask the female officer for help. One more friend in the harem will lead to another road. Female officials can help them without competing with themselves. It's normal to butter them up. The daily work of female officials is actually to serve those concubines, but they will have more say.
What you gain, you lose. I have power in the palace, but I can't be a mother because I can't have children. This is a lifelong regret of female officials. Perhaps some female officials do not voluntarily become female officials, but have to become female officials because of their lives. Life is beautiful, but only they know the pain in their hearts. Female officials, like eunuchs, should choose this road.