Lu you-red crisp hands, yellow wine, spring willow in the city; Dongfeng evil, with a faint sense of joy, has been sad for several years, wrong, wrong, wrong. Spring is as old as ever, people are empty and thin, and tears are red and sad; Peach blossom falls, idle pool pavilion, although the mountain alliance is there, it is difficult to hold books, mo, mo, mo. Tang Wan-the world is thin, human feelings are evil, and it is easy to drop flowers when the rain sends dusk; The breeze is dry, the tears are broken, and I want to worry about it. A person says it's hard, hard, hard. People become different, today is not yesterday, and the sick soul tastes like a thousand ropes; The horn was cold and the night was dim. I was afraid of being asked. I swallowed my tears and pretended to be happy, hiding, hiding, hiding.
Please accept it, thank you!