The author of "The Book of Songs" is unknown, and most of it cannot be verified. It is said that it was collected by Yin Jifu and compiled by Confucius.
The Book of Songs is the beginning of ancient Chinese poetry and the earliest poetry collection. It collects poems from the early Western Zhou Dynasty to the middle of the Spring and Autumn Period (11th century BC to 6th century BC), with 311 poems. .
Six of them are Sheng poems, that is, they only have titles and no content. They are called the six Sheng poems ("Nanbei", "Baihua", "Huami", "Yougen", "Chongqiu" and "You"). "Yi"), reflecting the social outlook of about 500 years from the beginning of the Zhou Dynasty to the late Zhou Dynasty.
Appreciation of the whole book of "The Book of Songs":
The "Book of Songs" pays attention to reality and expresses the true feelings triggered by real life. This creative attitude gives it a strong and profound artistic charm, which is China's The first milestone in realist literature.
"The Book of Songs·Guofeng" is the source of Chinese realist poetry. In "July", you can see the bloody and tearful life of slaves, and in "Cutting Sandalwood", you can understand the class consciousness of the exploited Awakening, the angry slaves boldly raised a righteous question to the ruling class who had gained something for nothing: "If you don't farm or scrounge, how can you get three hundred grains of grain? If you don't keep or hunt, how can there be a county badger in Erting?"
Some poems also describe workers' direct struggle against the ruling class in order to obtain the right to survive. In this regard, "Shuo Mouse" has the power to shock people's hearts.