the Lord has promised to give the land of Canaanites to the Israelites, explaining that he will wander in the wilderness for 4 years? When Israel left Egypt and was about to enter the promised land, 12 spies were sent to spy on the land, and the report of 1 spies was: Numbers 13:32-33 [Some spies reported bad news to Israel about the land they spied, saying: The land we spied and passed through was a land that devoured residents, and the people we saw there were all tall. There we saw the Anakim, the great men; They are descendants of great men. According to our opinion, we are like grasshoppers; According to them, so do we. And the reaction of the Israelites was: Numbers 14:1-4 [At the moment, all the people shouted loudly; All the people cried that night. All Israel grumbled against Moses and Aaron. All the congregation said to them, If only we had died in the land of Egypt or in this desert! Why did the Lord bring us to that land to fall by the sword? Our wives and children will go into captivity. Wouldn't it be better for us to go back to Egypt? They said to each other, Let's make a leader and go back to Egypt! The punishment of the Lord is: Numbers 14:32-35 [As for you, your corpses will fall in this wilderness; Your children will wander in the wilderness for forty years and bear the sin of your lewdness until your corpses are destroyed in the wilderness. According to the forty days you have spied out the land, one day a year, you will bear your sins for forty years, and you will know that I am estranged from you. I, the Lord, have said that I will always do this to all the evil congregations that gather against me. They will be destroyed in this wilderness and die here. Why were Moses and Aaron not allowed to enter the land of Canaan? When the 4-year wandering period was coming to an end, the Israelites complained again: Numbers 2:2 [The congregation had no water to drink, so they gathered against Moses and Aaron. So the Lord said to Moses, Num 2:8 [Take a staff and go, and gather the congregation together with your brother Aaron, and command the rock to send water before their eyes, and the water will flow out of the rock and give it to the congregation and their livestock to drink. Notice what Moses and Aaron did: Numbers 2:1-11 [Moses and Aaron called the congregation to the rock. Moses said, "Listen to me, you traitors: shall I make water flow out of this rock for you?" Moses raised his hand and struck the rock twice with his staff, and a lot of water flowed out, and the congregation and their livestock drank. The Lord only told Moses and Aaron to command the rock to emit water, but they struck the rock with their sticks. Moreover, what Moses said, "Shall I make water flow out of this rock for you?", shows that in his anger, he attracted people's attention to himself and Aaron, rather than to God who actually made water flow out, and did not honor the Lord. The Bible explains that this is the reason why Moses and Aaron could not enter Canaan: Ps. 16:33 [Because they provoked his spirit, Moses spoke rashly with his mouth. [[Because when the congregation quarreled in the wilderness of Zin, you disobeyed my orders and did not sanctify me in the sight of the congregation in the place where the water gushed. This water is the desert of Zin, the water of Kadesh-Smili. )] Why did Aaron make a golden calf and become a high priest? Exodus 32:1-4 [When the people saw that Moses delayed coming down from the mountain, they gathered around Aaron and said to him, Get up! Make gods for us and lead the way before us; We don't know what happened to the Moses who brought us out of the land of Egypt. Aaron said to them, "Take off the gold rings from the ears of your wives and children and bring them to me.". So all the people took off the gold rings from their ears and brought them to Aaron. Aaron took it from their hands, made a calf, and made it with a carving tool. And they said, O Israel, this is your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt. Obviously, Aaron did not wholeheartedly approve of idolatry, but only succumbed to the mass pressure of the Israelites, which can be seen from the following explanations of Aaron: Exodus 32:21-23 [Moses said to Aaron: What have these people done to you? You have caused them a great sin! Aaron said, please don't be angry with my Lord. You know that this people are dedicated to evil. They said to me, "Make gods for us, and you can lead the way before us.": We don't know what happened to the Moses who brought us out of the land of Egypt. When Moses ordered his supporters to stand on his side, Aaron seemed to choose to stand on the side of God: Exodus 32:25-26 [When Moses saw that the people were presumptuous, he stood at the camp gate and said, Anyone who belongs to the Lord will come to me! So all the sons of Levi gathered to him. After the criminals were put to death, Moses reminded the people that they had committed a great sin, which showed that besides Aaron, others were forgiven by the Lord: Exodus 32:3 [The next day, Moses said to the people, You have committed a great sin. Now I will go up to the Lord, perhaps I can make atonement for you. Therefore, the Lord must have noticed Aaron's merits and forgiven his mistakes, so he was allowed to remain the high priest.
reference:! NDCq82.BERoqkg3zWTwp1ms7quY-/article? Mid=194
The Lord has promised to give the land of the Canaanites to Israel, explaining that he will wander in the wilderness for 4 years? It was the Israeli people who gave up entering Canaan when they reached the border of Canaan, because 1 of the 12 spies reported that the Canaanites were strong and the Israelis would be defeated, so they said they would rather not go in. There are only two spies, Caleb and Joshua, who have confidence in God. They are also among the Israelites over 4 years old and can enter Canaan. I estimate that your questions 2 and 3 are comparative questions. Because of her weakness, Lucy can only look at Canaan from a distance. We think what Aaron committed is more serious, but there is no punishment. I don't know this. I only know that God's requirements for each of us are different from the tasks given to us. This is God's will. Perhaps it is Moses' obedience that should be learned.