This poem was published in Wen Xue, Volume 1, Issue 1, April, 1934. There are two opinions about this poem: one is to mourn Xu Zhimo, and the other is to write for the birth of his son to express his hope for his son and the joy brought by his birth.
Mr. Liang Congjie said in "Suddenly April Day on Earth": "My father once told me that" You are April Day on Earth "was made for me by my mother in the joy after I was born, but my mother never told me about it herself." Mr. Liang's creative intention for this poem is very objective.
Therefore, on the one hand, this poem is a love poem, written for Xu Zhimo who is already in heaven. On the other hand, Lin is a mother who has a strong maternal love for her children, and it is entirely possible to write such a lively poem for her children.
Extended data
This poem was published in 1934. There are two views on this poem: one thinks that it was written in memory of Xu Zhimo to express the memory of his close friend. We can learn the general situation from the TV series April Day on Earth. One said it was written for the birth of his son Liang Congjie.
To express my hope for my son and the joy brought by his birth. However, we can completely put aside these arguments, because this poem is really an excellent work, and its value does not need any external support.
The charm and Excellence of this poem lies not only in the beauty of artistic conception and the purity of content, but also in the skillful form and the beauty of language. Overlapping metaphors are used in the poem, and the image is beautiful without any suspicion of carving. On the contrary, it highlights the artistic conception and purity of the poem-the fresh and natural feeling is revealed in the gorgeous decoration.
Poetry adopts the principle of poetic beauty of Crescent Poetry School: emphasizing the harmony of meter, the sculptural beauty of language and the musical sense of meter. This poem can be said to be the perfect embodiment of this principle, and the leap of words and the harmony of rhythm have almost reached the extreme.
As the most formal expression of poetry, the rhythm, rhythm and words of this poem are in a neutral state, without the gaudiness and sharpness of red, purple, pure black and pure white, and the voice is gentle and elegant, even charming and lazy; Eleven words "you" not only highlight the theme.
It also played the role of "rhyme". In the process of poetry running, every time the word "you" appears, it is like a node in the band performance, highlighting the direction of "I" in the form of "frequency", which is a deep combination of formal beauty and content beauty, and it is a subtle place that has not been studied and understood by people. Praise April day.
Actually, they are all talking to you. There is only one dash in the poem. This dash says, "You are love, warmth and hope". What kind of hope? Connecting with Lin's knowledge background, we can see more clearly that behind the gorgeous picture of this poem, the rational expression is moderate and the writing is elegant, which fully embodies the noble atmosphere of English classical poetry.
Lin, the author of this poem, was the first female architect in China, and was also praised by Hu Shi as a talented woman in China. She combines talent, beauty, pride, love and career. When the world is alive, light comes. Bing Xin mentioned Lin Yinhui and said, "She is very beautiful and talented."
Perfecting beauty is naturally her extraordinary talent. If Wen Jie marveled at Lin's beauty, she made no secret of her admiration for her talent.
Fei Zhengqing recalled that Lin said in her later years, "She is a writer and poet with creative talent, a woman with rich aesthetic ability and extensive interest in knowledge activities, and her communication is full of charming charm. In this family, or wherever she is, all the people present are always around her. "
Lin's life is wonderful, her love will never be forgotten, and her poems deserve our appreciation and taste.
Baidu Encyclopedia-You are April Day on earth.