Warn others not to judge others' sentences at will, preferably ancient poems or Analects of Confucius.

The Analects of Confucius does have such content, which is recorded in the article Xianwen. Zi Gong Fang, Confucius said, "Giving is also virtuous, but my husband and I are at a loss." "Ren Fang" is to comment on whether other people's behaviors and morals conform to the norms, and of course it is also to criticize the later irregular behaviors. So Confucius criticized Zigong and said, "Do you live well by yourself?" ? We don't have time and energy to comment on others, but focus on improving our self-cultivation. "It should be noted here that although the word" I "is the first person, it was plural at that time, indicating our meaning, which is different from the current usage.